Friday 21 April 2017

100% on it! Never, not me...

21st April 2017
Your heart knows the way.  Run in that direction.
Another good day, I won't lie though, I sat there last night thinking 'shall I just have one bag of cheese and onion crisps before I go to bed?" I didn't though, I was good!

My day looked like this, plus a couple of cuppa's and my wine of course! 

Breakfast - eggy crumpet, ham, spring onion, tomato, beetroot 6sp
Dinner - Sausage, mash, peas and onion gravy 10sp
Tea - Fish Finger sandwich with gherkins, lettuce & a little bit of mayo 12sp

Not bad, 9 fruits and veggies, that's what needs to be in my diet, more of that good stuff, I'm trying to make sure there's some with every meal and when I got tempted waiting for my dinner to cook, I made myself eat an apple!

I just sat watching a heron on the roof opposite, so majestic, my absolutely favourite birds, it's made my morning, maybe not the neighbours as I watched it fly down into their garden and they have a pond with fish!

Back to the doctors this morning with my mom, hopefully he'll be able to sort something better for her pain, I'm gonna ask about patches, she won't go for physio so that's a waste of time suggesting that again.

I think my besties coming over this afternoon, haven't seen her for two weeks, she's been on holidy, so I reckon a good healthy lunch is on the menu if she's stopping for a bit, something tasty and good for us whilst she brings me up to date on everything that is her world.

Ooo I might do the asda stewed steak with potatoes and veggies, we'll see, I've got white bread in my kitchen, this is a very dangerous thing!  I bought it for my fish finger sarnie, half loaf at least, might make mom toast for her breakfast, that'll use some of it, might have the same myself with eggs on, ooo yeah eggs on toast - nice. 

Not got much in the fridge, delivery coming this morning, a healthy shop of course, if it's not here, I can't eat it!  That breads gonna be a test, I've just remembered I ate the crust last night with a bit of spread, so that's 4sp not on 'my day' above, white bread on those foods I eat mindlessly, standing up in the kitchen, followed by a silent conversation with myself that goes something like, it was only one slice, it won't hurt, one slice ain't gonna stop you from losing weight this week is it, no one needs to know, you're not gonna help anyone telling them you ain't done it 100%"  Yeah that voice is a bit messed up still, it's my past holding on, trying to take back its power, the old version of me.  I know in truth, telling you that I ain't doing it 100% is more likely to help you because maybe you're not doing it 100% either, and if you think you're the only one who isn't 'on it' then you're more like to think of yourself as a failure and go into sod it mode because you're 'hopeless', 'useless', 'incapable' or whatever word you choose to use to put yourself down!

You're not and neither am I, we're just walking, talking, human beings who take pleasure in eating, it's inbuilt in us and we're doing what we can to keep it under control.  If this was easy, obesity wouldn't exist!

On that note, I have a small dog sat next to my office chair staring up at me, I do believe he wants an early walk!  So I'll be off now, have a great day BeYOUtiful, I plan too. xx

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