Friday 24 March 2017

What a mess!

24th March 2017
If it serves no purpose in your life and you don't love it, get rid of it!

Yesterday's lunch was freezer surprise, not a lot of food in the fridge so I took a tub of frozen leftovers out of the freezer not knowing what it was but it looked brown.  Turned out to be a beef stew and although it wasn't the best I'd ever made, that'd be the reason it made it into the freezer in the first place, it served a purpose and fed me.  Pay day weekend thankfully and I've got a food delivery coming this morning, I've ordered food that I can prepare quick and easy as I don't want to be spending ages cooking because I have other plans for my time. 

Oh yes, my bestie has started something off in me and although it was painful at first - anything that takes you out of your comfort zone always is isn't it - I'm embracing it now and can't wait to get on with the clear out.  I've even been doing a little bit in the kitchen drawers whilst waiting for the kettle to boil - go me!  I'm having a weekend clear out, I'm decluttering because I've realised the easiest way to organise my stuff is to get rid of most of it. Hell yeah, I don't have so much to look through when I lose something if there isn't so much stuff there to start with.  Less stuff means less to clean, less to organise, less to store, less mess - I'm convinced.

As soon as I've got this blog done and everything I need to do my meeting tonight, I'm having me a few house sorting.  I might even paint my bedroom at some point if I can get it sorted enough, who knows I may even finish off decoupaging my winnie the poo rocking chair.

So some questions I've got to ask myself as I do this decluttering are;

1) Have I used this in the last year?
2) If I were shopping right now, would I buy this?
3) Is the only thing that's keeping me from throwing it away that I don't want to waste money.
4) Am I holding onto this for sentimental value (this is going to be my toughie!)
5) Do I have a similar item that serves the same purpose (I really only need so many pizza cutters!)
6) Does it fit me or my living space?

I know I'm going to struggle with some stuff, but I also know it makes sense, I'll have my besties voice in my head whilst I do it, but I'm not throwing my chocolate machine away, no matter how loud her voice gets, because I love it and things I love can stay.

I'll start in my bedroom, then do the kitchen drawers, then the last room is my office.  Downstairs has a good load of clutter too.  I've realised instead of clearing stuff we just buy another set of drawers or storage unit of some kind!  It has to stop!

If you're sitting there smug thinking 'my house is tidy, there is no clutter' go double check because I thought I didn't have much, but apparently organised clutter is still clutter!  Also clutter isn't just physical stuff, it's old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits.  Clutter is anything that does not support you becoming your best version of yourself.

Now there's something for you to think about today, what's not supporting you becoming your best version of you?  

I know the clutter in my house is having a huge effect but also I know my lack of, I'm not sure if it's organisation or routine, not sure of the word but basically not having a place for things really doesn't help me at all.  I'll spend ages looking for stuff which really winds me up and then sends me out in a grumpy mood, I can spend 5 minutes looking for my keys, this could be rectified if I picked a place to hang them when I come in and repeated that behaviour until it become a habit, heck I've managed to make pouring a pint of water each morning a habit and so many other things, so here's to creating new habits to make my life a little calmer and organised.

What could help you?  We going to have a good day BeYOUtiful?  Yeah, course we are - we got this. xx

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