Wednesday 22 March 2017


22nd March 2017
Sky above, earth below - fire within!

It might be raining outside but I'm back to me, whatever was going on with my mood has gone, I'm okay again, I could feel it improving as the day went on yesterday thankfully.  Isn't the body and mind an incredible thing, so many ways for it to get out of balance, which is one of the many reasons we need to take care of it and feed and water it well.

I decided yesterday I'm going to re-read the Weight Watcher Happy book because it's full of some really good stuff, of course I didn't start on page 1, that would be too normal, the page I did open it up at twas about water, just this line

"Even mild dehydration can adversely affect mood, energy levels and mental function"

Suddenly I wondered if this was part of the reason for my mood and energy drop, was I not drinking enough water, yes I have that pint first thing in the morning but then I haven't been having anymore, just mugs of tea and coffee!  That's changing, that's my habit to work on this week, the second batch of WW's new drinking bottles arrive today, I didn't have one from the first batch as everyone wanted them and I let them all go, I'm having one today though, it has a tracking timeline and motivating phrases to encourage me to keep hydrated.  I need that reminder, I've got so much else going on in my head that I'll forget but if I carry the bottle around with me, I won't.

Yep, it never hurts to start over, so for the next 12 weeks, I'll focus on one thing a week and build up, this week is water, at least 2 litres a day, next week, well I'll decide that when the time comes.  Just like I'm tackling my house, one bit at a time, I shall do the same with getting back to myself, I can't do it all at once, so small steps.

Actually I do know what next week's will be, it'll be moving because I finally have my fitbit back!  Mom walked in the kitchen late yesterday afternoon with it in her hands saying 'is this yours?' it's only been missing about a month.  When I asked where she'd found it, she said it was on something I was putting in the washing - knowing she hasn't put anything in the washing for a long time, I don't know where it's been.  Anway, I'll be recharging it and getting back to trying to hit my 10k steps a day.  That's next week though, not today, it's raining after all and I've got to make lunch for my bestie ;)

We're going to have some kind of spaghetti dish, I want to do No Count today though so need to think about it, I can use my weeklies for the parmesan cheese or the protein cheese or WW grated ;) I'm using what's in the fridge/cupboards cos it's not payday till the weekend and I've gone slightly over budget this month, got a bit generous with charity donations and new bedding - oops!  Note to self, check credit card limit more often...

Anyway, my mood is lifted and money is not going to affect that, Sara Cox was worth a tenner, dancing for 24 hours WOW, that's some achievement and she's almost reached the million for Comic Relief, how good is that.  Bonnie bless her is doing a sponsored slim and race for life so she was worth the donation too, it's all good.

I've got vegan chilli for tea tonight and I fancy egg and beans on toast for my brekkie, mmm, nice.  I'm going to check out my freezer to find stuff for tomorrow, I think it could get interesting on my plate this week!

Right I'm off to refill my glass with water, then make me some scrumptious breakfast, then I'll get on with my working day.  Let's make today a hot shower kind of day rather than a walk in the cold rain without a coat kind of day.

BeYOUtiful we got this!

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