Tuesday 7 March 2017

Stop doing list!

7th March 2017
If you want more time, freedom and energy, start saying no.
Sometimes our stop-doing list needs to be bigger than our to-do list, generally speaking people are all rush, rush, rush.  I'm a busy bird but when I notice I'm being too busy, I stop and rest.  I've done that this weekend, Sunday I rested a lot and even yesterday, I had so much I needed to do, that come tea time I was shattered so I stopped, it'll all get done in the end.

I'm cooking in my meeting this week so that takes extra effort, shopping for the ingredients, remembering to take it all with me, getting it all clean again for the next meeting, so I won't be doing much of anything else this week.

To do lists, you've got to love them - NOT!  I like this idea of stop-doing lists though, especially with it being Lent and so many people having given up something this month already.  We all know about my abstinence from wine last month, I won't be giving anything like that up again.  We generally see 'giving up' as a difficult or bad thing, it's almost always something we don't want to give up.

Let's put a positive slant on giving up, what would be on your stop-doing list?

Stop giving yourself a hard time for struggling on your weight loss journey.  There's one for starters, it's not always easy to be in the zone, on track, doing it.  Life does get in the way, we're working on building new habits, trying to make it automatic, new routines but let's not forget the old habits have been there a long time and it's quite easy to slip back into them occasionally, so stop beating yourself up when you do, acknowledge what's happening and work on climbing your way back out of that situation.

Stop saying YES when you want to say NO!  So much to do, so little time, don't keep agreeing to do stuff that you haven't got time for or don't want to, keep some time for yourself, it's okay to say no.

Stop weighing yourself every day!   Don't be a slave to the scales, you know if you're eating healthy, you don't need the scales to be there constantly, once a week is more than enough.  They dictate our mood, even if you think they don't! 

Stop - I don't know what do you want to put on your stop doing list?  This month, well what's remaining of it, I want to stop having a 'to do' list at all.  Work wise obviously I have to do certain things but in my personal life, I'm not having a to do list at all, if I feel like doing something I will, if I want to spend March sat on my backside chilling I will, I need a chilled month after the busy that was February.

Yesterday I bought lots and lots of daffodils, my house and my garden have instant colour now, there were already daffodils in the garden and now there are even more, I love them, it makes me think of spring, plus we had sunshine yesterday which was wonderful.

When I got back from shopping, it was lush to walk into a house that smelt so good, I really do like these Scensty warmer things, its a safe way (we all know I'm clumsy, not to be trusted with candles) to make my house smell good, they look pretty too, my Bali one is so calming sat in my living room next to the tv, I've gone down and turned them on this morning, apparently I can leave them turned on all the time too which is useful because I'm bound to forget to switch them off before going to bed at some point.

I spent a couple of hours in the kitchen cooking, did mac and cheese from the new cook book, I hadn't got a grill so I had to cook it a bit in the oven, it worked.  I've also got a curry made for lunch now and the filling for pie that just needs a lid on - nice!  That's me sorted for a few days.

Right now to go make sure I have everything I need for my cooking demo this morning, here's to a great day.

You up for a great day BeYOUtiful? Healthy and happy all the way.

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