Wednesday 29 March 2017

It's all coming together

29th March 2017
Create your own sunshine.

Well I only went and lost a pound!  Who expected that, not me for sure, just goes to show the healthy is in my head even when I'm not 100% on it and tracking, I won't lie I was very, very pleased with that result.  I ate with a little more thought yesterday too, bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes for breakfast, bit of veg at last, then my main meal was brown rice with green veg, salt & pepper cod and roasted cauliflower, I did have a crisp sarnie for my tea though, didn't sit down till gone 9 so didn't want to start cooking.

More progress made on the declutter mission, 2 more kitchen drawers cleared, my bedroom is almost finished, just got to clear the drawers under the bed, need to decide whether to keep or throw old photo negatives.  I can transfer the photo disks onto pc then a memory disk then dispose of them.  I'm going to make a start on my office today, need to do some of my proper work first - the stuff that pays the bills, then I'll have an hour of sorting before my bestie comes for lunch and I go to work tonight. 

I'm realising I need to be patient and that it will be worth waiting, looks like I might be having fitted wardrobes, my V's and her chap came round last night and he measured up for some ideas I have, so we shall see if it's feasible.  I'm excited for a nice bedroom.  It's almost empty right now, two more pieces of furniture go today, that will leave just one that isn't staying but I'm not sure where it's going yet, it's a wooden linen cupboard that would make a lovely project for someone, shabby chic or similar.

I also have 2 pieces of artwork that I no longer want on my bedroom walls so need to rehome them, then I can start to look at getting it painted, carpeted etc from scratch.  Clean slate to work from will make it easier, just the bed in the middle to work round.

My brains finally starting to calm down about it all, it's been preoccupied all over the weekend, but now it's quietened and I can approach it in a more practical way.  I'm breaking it all down, whilst I continue to plan and decorate my bedroom, I can sort my office, then the utility room, the rest is just tidying the living room and kitchen just need a bit of a tidy and normal housework on them.  This time next week, I should have a much tidier house, then to work on keeping it that way.  That should be easier, remember my new motto;

 Less stuff means less to clean, less to organise, less to store, less mess

This also works with my being healthy;

Less food, means less to choose from, less to eat, less to overindulge on, less weight gain

I can't eat what isn't there!  Last weekend I didn't have any bread in the house, so I couldn't live on toast and sarnies, I had to eat something else!

Yep, I'm enjoying the second half of March, I may not have started full of enthusiasm, I started with Miserable March if I'm honest but it's ending Marvelous March, just shows how life can change in a moment, so if you're not in a great plate at the moment, it could change any time soon. xx

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