Sunday 5 March 2017

How much!

5th March 2017
The act of giving without the expectation of something in return is the true definition of kindness.

However if you get cake in return, well it makes for a super Tea Party result :)

Thank you so much, yesterdays tea party surpassed anything I could've imagined!   It was just fabulous to see so many people in one church hall, people I hadn't seen for years nipped in, BeYOUtiful ladies from 60 miles, it was just wonderful to see so many people there laughing, smiling, there were a few tears I noticed also, some I admit were mine, it was just an incredible morning and I felt very blessed to have so many people in my life who were willing to get involved from helping me put out the tables at 7am to get ready, baking cakes, donating stuff to buying a cuppa and a cake, it was a very moving day.   I can proudly say after sitting and counting all the money last night, the Tea Party yesterday morning raised an absoloutely incredible £1,054.73!  Which thanks to Sara Moore and Barclays Bank will be boosted by £1k  as they have agreed to find match anything we raised on the day up to £1k.  We've raised £1,500.25 online (Dry dementia) another £969 over the last month in meetings with sponsorship, donations and raffles Plus a late donation of £85 last night that I just need handing over :) So our running total as of this morning is £4,608.98!  Amazing some of this can be gift aided to make it more too! So we should smash £5k!  Who knew, seeing a post in my Facebook timeline followed by a silly idea to go dry for a month could results in such an amazing time and it was fun too (not the dry bit!), it was though, it was lovely to get to chat to so many, I just wished I'd had more time to sit and chat.

A wonderful day involving so many wonderful people - thank you, sat here feeling emotional. Xx  Here are the photos

So let's tell you about the rest of my day, we went to pick up my new Scentsy warmers so I could make my house smell lush, amazing I love them, they are larger than I expected and my house smelt lovely and cosy last night.  I've had these two and I love them.

Ooo why I think about it I need to give a shout out to the people who came to promote their business at the tea party yesterday but also gave very nice donations too our cause at the same time, so thanks to
Penn Road Butchers
Lynne Wyatt Scentsy Independant consultant
Linda Swift & Tracy Wedge who were selling their lovely cards

And also to Dave Reynolds for getting the Express & Star photographer to turn up, so keep your eyes peeled for an article about our Dave next week and what I must say looked like a fab photo of Dave & I, we do take good shots together!

It all helped to make the morning brill as it wasn't just about eating, something we Weight Watchers like to realise, there's more to life than cake :) 

Anyway after the tea party we went to the pub for a pint (only 1) and we had lunch too, I hadn't gone mad with the cake consumption, ordered me pie and chips as the butcher and I had been discussing healthier pies and it'd put the thought in my mind.  Anyway, I sat watching a chap at the bus stop with a very pretty pale blue umbrella, sadly not a very sturdy one and a few gusts of wind and I had entertainment for a good five minutes as he battled with it to try and make it stay as an umbrella should!  So funny, I just wished my phone video would've zoomed in close enough to record it as it was just hilarious.

My evening was spent counting money, followed by a g&t party of my own and a very early night, half 8 and I was out for the count - it'd been an epic day.

Today, well I'm not going to lie, there's not a lot being done today, you may recall I won an award a month ago and thanks to Dry Drementia I wasn't able to toast it with Champagne, well I shall be doing just that this morning, I'm going to have a champagne breakfast to celebrate what has been an incredible start to 2017, Diamond Leader, Jean Nidetch Award and a £5k fundraising success - that certainly does deserve celebrating, I'll be drinking the Champagne supplied by my lovely colleagues, there is a second bottle given to me by one of my precious BeYOUtiful members, so who knows that might get popped too, I do have all day! 

I'm guaranteed a weight gain in the morning and that's just cool with me, I've enjoyed every moment of this weekend.  I will be spending an hour this morning planning a healthy week, sorting my online shop and generally deciding to be a good Weight Watcher from the morning.  I will also be eating healthy today, I'm thinking crumpets for breakfast and chicken in a mint marinade (a member has given me the marinade, it's supposed to be very good) and I'll have it on a bed of rice I think, I need some veggies in there too somewhere.

Right I'm off, I've drunk my water, my teas going cold and I have a few serious work things to sort before I can crack that bubbly.

Happy Sunday BeYOUtiful xx

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