Thursday 16 March 2017

Focus on the happy

16th March 2017
When people support each other, incredible things happen.
Well I just deleted my first paragraph and restarted, let's focus on the positive, lovely sunny day yesterday, my bestie came for lunch and we had a cracking good giggle.

I cooked too, delicious blue cheese gnocchi bake, really tasty it was and so simple, another good recipe in the new Kitchen Favourites cookbook.  I've gone through that and the other 2017 Weight Watchers cookbook and found a few recipes that I'm going to try, I did my shop online at the same time, just got to arrange for it to be delivered, got enough in the fridge for today though so just ordered it to come in the morning.

The sunshine was truly welcome, it really is lovely, Alfie just wanted to lie on the grass in it!  He's not 100% but I'm sure it's nothing serious, will see how he is today, if no improvement will make a vet appointment.  Bless mom too, she's in such pain, wished I could take it away for her.

On a positive though my house smells lovely, oops I left my Scensty warmer on all night downstairs and that's why I'm glad I have them because they're safe to leave on unlike a hot smelly candle!   The house smells of freshness and that's a good smell :) truth is I can't remember what wax is in so I can't tell you what it smells of, but it's a nice smell and that's good enough for me.  I've just put YOU GO GIRL in my office one, so I'm hoping it's gonna get my get up and go, well going!

Busy day today and I'm prepared, I have cheese and potato pie made in the fridge, I've used protein cheese so even if I chose to do No Count, I'd only have to use a point or two from my weeklies for the cheese.  I've also defrosting smoked haddock, tempted to have that for my brekkie if I have time with an egg, if not I might have it with the potato pie!  Yeah that's different, but why not with peas oo yeah lunch it is.

This week we're talking about fitting the plan into our lifestyles because with Weight Watchers you absolutely can, it's interesting to hear how one person's lifestyle can be a challenge but for another it's an advantage. For example being retired, one couple Tuesday have more time to cook the recipes from the cook books so it's great whereas another lady last night says being at home more is challenging because she's tempted by food that's there all the time. 

We're all different, our personalities vary, our behaviours do too, what tempts one wouldn't bother another.  One lady last night talked about how she uses a jar to make her spag bol, another wouldn't dream of wasting points to make something the sauce.  There is no right or wrong, you adapt the plan to suit you and as long as you're happy and losing weight then it's all good.

If you're not losing weight, then something needs to change, unless of course you're okay with not losing weight, then that's  your choice and it's all good.  If you're not happy, try to remember only you can do something about that, and you actually have to DO something, it doesn't just happen.  Overthinking is probably the biggest cause of unhappiness - are you guilty of that?  I'm happy, it doesn't mean everything is perfect in my life, it sure don't mean everything's easy or I'm at my ideal weight.  It does mean I've decided to look beyond the stuff that we can be guilty of focusing on, I can't change so much but I can change how I react.  I can lose weight but I don't have to rush or beat myself up because I'm finding it hard or it's not easy or....  See so easy to start overthinking about how hard it all is, no I'm not going there. 

I'm going to go put the kettle on, tell the cat that ain't mine to stop meowing, then feed it anyway, then make me a mug of tea and smile that my house smells lush even if the washing up needs doing.  Because life is good most of the time, heck it's better than the alternative!   

Right moms just woke, time to go make two mugs of tea ;)

Focus on the happy BeYOUtiful, it makes for an easier day xx

Oh and it's silly moments like this that keep me going, I'd farted and my bestie wasn't impressed; 
Better out than in, you wouldn't want me to explode! 

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