Friday 24 February 2017

Woke up to a glorious sunrise - how blessed am I!

24th February 2017
No amount of self-improvement can make up for any lack of self acceptance

It's only blooming Friday!  This time next week I'm likely to have a bit of a thick head #justsaying #Dry4Dementia Txt DRYF47 £1 to 70070 - yes it will well and truly be the end of my month and I will have enjoyed some red wine before bedtime.  It'll be worth it though as I'll have raised well over a grand for Dementia UK and will be a week away from our 10am Tea Party on March 4th at United Reform Church, Old Fallings Lane, Wolverhampton WV10 8BH, I do hope lots of people come along for a cuppa and a bit of cake and bring their pennies to have a go out our raffle and whatever else we have to raise money.

Anyway that's next week, back to today, not the best night's sleep and I've woke up with a funny head but I've got all day to get over it and get ready for my lovely meeting tonight at Essington.  
Yesterday I stuck with No Count, made a pancake for breakfast, I was experimenting with my nutribullet and put a handful of oats in (I'd guess 30g max) and whizzed it up till it looked like flour. then I added 2 eggs and a banana and whizzed again till runny.  Next I spray lighted my non stick frying pan and poured it in, leaving it for quite a long time until it was moveable, then managed to flip it.  I'd definitely make it again as it was really tasty, I finished it off with a spoonful of agave syrup drizzled on top.  Even on a counting day it would only cost 8 Smart Points, it was so filling though. 
We had chicken and chips with gravy and peas for lunch, then I didn't bother with any dinner because I drank a huge glass of skimmed milk at my meeting so wasn't hungry.  Undecided about what I'm going to do today as yet, love having the choice though, Counting or No Counting - Weight Watchers Smart Points is the business!

And whilst I'm talking about how great I believe the plan to be, let's talk about Weight Watchers, because as I posted on Facebook yesterday afternoon, for me Weight Watchers isn't just about the weight I've lost, it's about so much more - self acceptance, the confidence to be naked for a photo shoot, to go out in public and look & behave like a knob, to be okay with a bad photo going on Facebook, being able to love me regardless of what I weigh. It's important for us all to remember we're BeYOUtiful as we are, Weight Watchers cam help us to get healthier and find the best version of ourselves. I couldn't be any happier with my lot whatever I weigh!

I would tell anyone looking to lose some weight and change their relationship with food and themselves to find a local meeting, get a supportive coach and a wonderful new circle of friends - it's changed my life, it could change yours
Just a handful of the memories I've made over the last 13 years, whilst finding the best friends and developing a better relationship with food, it's great being comfortable in your own skin, liking the person you've become and being liked by others.  Oh and the miserable cow on the left was me before Weight Watchers!

Don't get me wrong, I still look at the odd photo and think 'ooo I look good in that one' and others and think 'what on earth' but the not so good ones make me smile, I was born with this face and this body, some things can't be changed and I'm happy to say I don't want to change any of it.

The only thing that would make my life better right now would be if I'd woken up to a clean, tidy house, oh how fab would that have been!  Instead I've woke up to a bit of a mess.  But it's all good because it's going to smell good soon,  my lovely member and mate Natalie bought me some of her lovely smelly samples yesterday and I've ordered me a warmer (I'm not good with smelly candles after I once set my office on fire).  I realised I needed to have another tidy up though when I was sat trying to work out where I could find a clear space to put the warmer as everywhere is a mess ;) oops, never going to be a naturally tidy woman am I.  Hey ho, I think I'll sort the kitchen this morning, if I'm honest though, I'm only doing it to justify buying a second warmer that looks like a teacup, I think it will add a bit of class to my messy kitchen.  
 Having said that, my messy kitchen might have just made me a couple hundred quid off 'You've been framed' as I had an email from them saying they might use my cooking demo video where everything fell on me - result!

Right I'm off to get my water as I haven't had it yet - mom pinched my glass last night from my office I reckon... 

Here's to a lovely day, it's calmer out there today, Storm Doris has done one thankfully, smile BeYOUtiful, think of one thing you glad of, even if it's only that you got to wake up this morning because one poor love from Wolverhampton didn't get to because of that storm!  Life is so precious, appreciate it. xx

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