Monday 6 February 2017

diet restrictions or food opportunities? You decide...

6th February 2017
Starting today, forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains and look forward to what's coming next.

I made it through my first weekend wine free (actually completely alcohol free, just in case you thought I was changing the rules), it was different, I did actually post on my Facebook timeline, do people who don't drink live longer or does it just feel like longer.    I can honestly say the not having it was quite easy, I wasn't tempted to cheat, or just have a bit, or feel like I needed a glass, none of that but I did have a couple of moments where I missed having a good glass of red wine to sip away at.  Firstly when I was having a cooking session yesterday afternoon, I do like to have a glass to sip away on, I usually end up taking the rest of the glass in the bath with me afterwards and chilling.  The other time was yesterday early evening when we were sat in front of the tv ready to watch a film, I'd usually have a glass and that would chill me out, turn my brain down a little and get me ready for relaxing.  Strangely enough we were in bed for 8pm, I was asleep easily by half past and YAY I've slept till six, so I'm all recharged.

Now can I tell any difference in myself so far, honest answer - not much really, I was maybe a little bit more awake Saturday morning but I had just won an award so I think I would've been bouncing of the walls regardless.  The only difference I have noticed without too much detail is my toilet habits, they're not as regular this week, I feel like I 'need' to go more than I actually am - I'll end that there.  Other than to say I'm going to drink plenty of water today and get some fruit and veg down my neck.

I'm focusing on the weight loss it is going to help me get - I hope!  As long as I don't replace it with something else, like nibbling on treats at night I should be okay.  I don't want to be drinking other calorific drinks as a replacement either.  I've had a couple of flavoured green teas, strawberry and vanilla I think they are, a member gave them me, they're okay but I wouldn't rave about em (sorry Sue) but they're hot which is good, I had a Bovril yesterday, that was nice. 

I've just this very minute decided as I was having a quick look on Pinterest for a picture or quote for my blog that I'm going to make this the month I try different stuff, try doing things differently.  It's too easy to get stuck into eating the same foods, cooking them the same way as you always do, I already try to cook new recipes but even I'm aware of the fact, I know what I like and I stick with it to a certain degree.  That's my mission, if I can cut out wine for a month, then I can change other things. 

So many people these days have no choice but to look for different ways of eating, Saturday I was stood next to a couple in the Supermarket, I overheard her say, "What am I looking for gluten free?"  He said "yeah and dairy free, one can't have the gluten, the other dairy?", "looks like lettuce and a glass of water all round then", she said and smiled, then another lady interjected with, "I've been told I'm celiac, I thought that was bad enough!"  A member also commented on a post in my Facebook group how she wished there was more vegetarian stuff out there, she didn't like quorn stuff. 

Dietary restrictions - straight away that term buts a negative on your thought pattern doesn't it, restrictions = boundaries, confines and limitations - that's not going to put you in a positive mindset.  What about health possibilities, dietary opportunities, focusing on the fact that if you change the way you are eating it will help you with your healthy & happy journey?  Doesn't that sound better, have a greater impact on your mind!   Put you in a more positive mindset - I think so. 

Here's a recipe I've just found at I think looks blooming delicious and it's just cabbage!  It's Gluten-free, vegetarian and a less than 20-minute dish to prepare

Spicy chilli Cabbage stir-fry.

serves 2

Half a head of Cabbage.
1-2 garlic pods
1 large Onion
Sprig of Curry leaves
Pinch of Turmeric powder
/2 teaspoon of chilli flecks
2-3 tablespoons of Oil (use two for 8sp)
1/2 a Lime.

Slice the Cabbage, Onion, Garlic and set aside.

On low fire in a pan(preferably a non-stick pan)sauté the Cabbage until they wilt and there is no moisture left in the pan.

Keeping it on low fire, Pour in the oil, add the sliced Onions, Curry leaves, Garlic with Turmeric powder and Salt to taste.

Cook for at least five minutes until you see the Cabbage edges slightly burn, take the pan off the stove and with the remaining heat, add the chilli flecks, mix it into the Cabbage stir-fry.

Drizzle a bit of lime juice and mix.

Yep making that!  Now to get my day started and to have a month of shaking stuff up, I may have to keep routine for so much of my life, but not all of it, watch this space...

Love ya lots BeYOUtiful.  Here's to a healthy and happy day xx

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