Saturday 7 January 2017

Time to survive the weekend!

7th January 2017
Life is good when you decide to make it that way!
Life is good, mines awesome, what a difference a couple of weeks and a decision makes!  It's so true that a bad day doesn't mean you have a bad life and eating crap really had made me feel that way too, I'm not a fan of that post Christmas slump at all and I'm so glad I got back to eating healthy as soon as I noticed it. 

Yesterday was a very busy day, I may not have had a meeting till the evening but I had all the sorting out from the ten meetings I'd already run this week, wow there was a lot of sorting out.  It was gone one when I realised I hadn't started cooking anything like I'd intended too and I'd got to take mom to doctors, plus I still needed to have a wash and get dressed!  I was contemplating not bothering with the cooking, after all I could grab a sarnie, then I realised what I was doing, putting my health aside so I stopped and took the time to prep the 40 cloves of garlic chicken recipe ( and it honestly took ten minutes if that.  It was worth it too, so nice to walk in after my evening meeting to the smell of delicious food.  Garlic cooked in this way doesn't make your breathe smell or blow you away with taste by the way, it's a subtle flavour and absolutely delicious, so don't think, oh I couldn't cook with 40 cloves of garlic, you can.

The evening meeting was absolutely buzzing, great to see so many new faces and all my returning ones of course, it's going to be a good year for all us, I can feel it in my water.

That steak I must eat today, I still need a loaf of bread too, forgot didn't I, was probably a blessing as it meant I couldn't mop up the juices of my dinner last night.

There's not going to be a lot of activity this weekend, after my meeting this morning and my massage, I shall mostly be chilling, I'm no spring chicken anymore, this being a Weight Watcher coach is hard work but I love it.

We all need to stay on track this weekend, the first full one of the year, I'm going to do me some cooking, find a couple of recipes, actually I'll find a few to do over the week.  I know a couple of my members want me to do the fakeaway kebab ( live in the group, although that's really easy to do.

What needs to happen for you to stay on track, are you going to Count or follow No Count, have you planned your treats and booze in?  Will there be much movement?  Yesterday was the first day I didn't hit my 10,000 steps was sat down way to long and Alfie didn't want to go for a walk in the rain!

I'll have a good walk tomorrow, can't promise to do that today, but you never know if Alfie's willing, I'll have no choice, we make time and find the energy for it if it's important to use - remember that when you're sitting in front of the tv after saying you didn't have time to do..... whatever it was you chose not to do!

Right I'm waffling this morning, no real thoughts processing too well so I'm thinking a quick shower to wake me up, a mug of tea, no idea what I'm going to have for my breakfast no bread, no crumpets, erm yeah I do, I can have everything I usually have but without the bread!  DOH!  Ooo scrambled eggs maybe, see now I've just got myself all excited about food, that would have been boys 20 years ago but now, nah I'd rather have bacon for breakfast!  On that note I really am going, have a great day - choose to be healthy and happy, it makes life better, trust me - I'm a professional :)

Be good to yourself BeYOUtiful, take care of you because you're important too xx

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