Sunday 1 January 2017

Page 1 of 365... write a good chapter

1st January 2017
2016 thanks for all the lessons.  2017 I am ready.

WOW!  What an amazing New Years Eve meeting yesterday morning, I've never seen so many of you!  Just wonderful to hear and see the room buzzing, seeing everyone supporting each other and laughing, taking their gains on the cheek, bigging up those who'd managed a loss and looking back over the year at those that have lost weight, got to goal and generally ended the year feeling a hell of a lot better than they started it.

Oh ma'an, just to prove how easy it is to regain though, my weight loss journey was a little like this over the last few months, at the end September I decided to sort stuff out!  By 1st December I'd lost 10 1/2lb, by the end of December I'd regained 8lb of it!  So I'm now 2 1/2lb lighter than I was in September, thankfully I lost it before Christmas.  Now to sort it out and get it off again!   On a positive I'm started 2017 lighter than I started 2016, it's all good.  I'm mostly healthy, more often happy than not, I'm not looking for perfect, I'm just aiming to make each day as healthy and happy as I possibly can and that does mean weight loss because I know I'll have more energy which in turn means I'm healthier and happier. 

As much as I don't like housework, when I have the energy to do it and I get a tidy house, I love that tidy surroundings.  Maybe that's how I'll earn a few activity points today, maybe if I tidy I'll come across my fitbit, I can't find it this morning!

I managed yesterday on track, did No Count, had poached eggs when I went for breakfast with my mate, a nice ham salad later on and then I picked at the ham later before our early night.  Of course there was a couple of glasses of red wine involved, I was seeing 2016 out after all.

Here's to deciding not hoping that 2017 will be a very good year, actually here are 45 life lessons I've just come across that are well worth a read, I live by most of these to be fair and I have a pretty good life!  I don't want anyone else's anyway and I think that's a good sign of a good life. 

I'm truly look where number 29 is concerned, I get to see my friends through my job and I've met my best friends thanks to my job - how awesome is that, I started as a Weight Watcher leader in 2004 and now I've been renamed coach, it doesn't matter what title they give me, I always answer when asked "what's your job?", "I have the best job in the world, I help people find their happy!"

I had the most wonderful text last night, it made my day, off an amazing lady who started a member and became a friend, friends come in different forms, don't forget to notice them. 

So I'm not waiting for 2017 to be good, I'm going to make it so, weight loss is important to me right now so that's my priority, yesterday afternoon I sat with my pad, pen, WW journal and new WW "Healthy You" cook book.  After checking the cupboards, fridge and freezer, I found some meals and recipes I'd like to have over the coming weeks, I'm thinking fritata for breakfast perhaps, recipe page 52 (I've made a "To Cook" list ain't I - all organised!  I do fancy baked beans though, I might just have some of them with the fritata, all No Count, mmm bring on breakfast I say!  Who doesn't love eating.  For tea I think Spaghetti Carbonara of sorts, there's more ham to be consumed still, recipe;

Speedy Spaghetti Carbonara
Serves 4, 16sp per serving
(4sp on No Count day for Parmesan cheese – oil from allowance)
takes 15 minutes

400 g Wholewheat Spaghetti (36sp)
Cooking oil spray (1sp)
100 g Bacon Medallions, Raw (2sp) chopped into 2cm pieces
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
3 large eggs, lightly beaten (7sp)
120 g Parmesan Cheese, (17sp)
Salt & pepper to taste

Cook spaghetti according to instructions on packet.  Meanwhile, spray frying pan with oil and add bacon, fry for 2-3mins until lightly browned.  Add garlic and fry for another 30 seconds.  Set aside.

Drain spaghetti and add to bacon mixture in the pan, add eggs and half Parmesan cheese, season and toss together.  The heat from the spaghetti will partly cook the egg, but leave it moist.

Serve and sprinkle with remaining Parmesan.

Yeah I'm not big on resolutions and to be honest there's nothing I feel passionately enough about taking up or giving up but I will start the year with a day of taking care of me and my house, so I do believe there will be polish, vacuum cleaners and such like involved at some point, followed by eating good healthy food.  The salad yesterday was very welcomed and enjoyed.

Let's get our healthy on!  Say YES to success BeYOUtiful and Happy New Year.

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