Thursday 5 January 2017

Buzzing aint I!

5th January 2017
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only rememebrs to turn on the light

WELL what can I say, folk are ready for getting healthy and happy, my meeting was buzzing last night, it helps of course that we have this great half price 3 month offer this week to join.  I love it although I'm bouncing when I get home so didn't go to bed till ten, that's late for me :)

I had a really good day all together yesterday, I got all my work done on the morning, went shopping for ingredients for cooking, did my errands, then came home and did a little cooking, the Garlic Chicken Curry on the new recipe cards is absolutely delicious, make sure you pick one up in your meeting this week.  I cooked it live in my Facebook group and I hadn't read the instructions through, didn't realise I was supposed to marinate the breasts for 30 minutes or overnight, so I put the paste on them and just left for ten minutes.  When I'd almost finished cooking the whole thing I noticed a cup on the side with a mixture in, I hadn't used the marinate as well as the paste - oops, so I just bunged it all in and you know what, it was delicious, I'd definitely make it again.  I'd use chicken pieces rather than whole breasts though and I'd be tempted just to throw it all in if I was short on time rather than marinade anything.  There's plenty of sauce so my bestie took some of the remaining home to use as a sauce on pasta, makes a really tasty sauce without the meat to be honest, be great for a veggie meal.

I also made the meatloaf, forgot to put the breadcrumbs in that!  What am I like, not paying attention for sure, it was still edible, mom enjoyed it anyway (recipe in yesterdays blog), a great way to get a lot of veggies in a meal without them being obvious.

Ooo I might combine the two recipes of a sort and make a healthy garlic curry cottage pie, dice all the veggies like it says in the meat loaf recipe and cook them using the instructions on that recipe, then add 400g beef mince and a portion of the sauce that I used for the chicken curry, top with mash - that would be super good I reckon, mmm I'll let you know I have 400g beef mince left in freezer, I'll cook it at the weekend.

Ain't food lush!  What to eat today now, I have some of that meat loaf, but not sure, to Count or No Count that is the question.  I've got a super busy day so it all needs to be simple.  What's in my kitchen?  Sweet potatoes I have, might use them, oh it's going to be one of those go with the flow kind of days I can feel it in my bones, Jacket Sweet Potato and a huge salad maybe, got crumpets for brekkie with eggs, mmm, defo a yes for that. 

When you eat good - you feel good and boy have I noticed that this week after a week of eating and drinking not so good over Christmas, it really does impact you and how you feel, it doesn't take long to get back to feeling great though.

That programme that was on Channel 4 Tuesday, How to lose weight well, showed there are lots of ways to lose weight but Weight Watchers was most certainly the most enjoyable and easy to do long term, if you haven't seen it, it's worth a watch, who would want to live on bone broth or green smoothies!  Not me, I like eating and I like eating what I enjoy.  I appreciate to lose weight I have to make changes but they need to be realistic.  I loved what a new member said to another last night "If you don't make changes, you're going to always stay the same"  She makes a good point.

On that note, have a happy and healthy Thursday BeYOUtiful  - I plan too xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi bev I'm looking forward to trying the chicken curry recipie and the meat loaf
