Wednesday 2 November 2016

Suns shining & I'm feeling good.

2nd November 2016
Never a failure - always a lesson!
I loved my meetings yesterday and I loved that members were inspired by my photos and that it actually bought a few back, we can all do this - WE CAN!  Get yourself that mantra, I've just wrote mine at the top of my journal page "I'm doing this for me".  I got home from my morning meetings, it was drizzling and I thought, yak, not walking weather, but I went anyway and I was oblivious to the rain, I'm into my book, even if it wasn't the kind of book I expected to be reading, I need to know how it ends, it's disturbing me. Flawed by Cecelia Aherne, apparently it's a Young Adult book, when okay then, but I'm not sure at all, I wouldn't want to live in the 'land' it's set.  It's not her usual enjoyable kind of thing at all.  I will stick with it though.

Foodwise I came in quite light on points yesterday, had Heck sausage, bread, egg, mushroom and tomatoes for breakfast for 5sp, then lunch was Chermoula fish, the chermoula is the flavouring not the type of fish.  Served with red onion, courgettes, and tinned chickpeas, so I'm not a fan of chickpeas but yesterday I found out that it matters what brand you buy because the ones I had yesterday were better.  The entire meal was tasty and only 4sp with a spoonful of black olives, something I wouldn't normally opt for but shows you should try different stuff often.

For tea I had butternut squash, potato and green bean curry, with coconut milk, one of my favs at the moment and only worked out at 5sp!  Don't worry I enjoyed my remaining points by having a coronation chicken sarnie (1 slice bread) and a chunk of cheese about 8ish.

Anyway today, I've got so much food in my house, I'll be doing some cooking!  Making quinoa burger pittas for my besties, they're coming for lunch - check me out being the hostess with the mostest, I'll be sociable and welcoming, the lot.  We don't have visitors very often at our house, I've even washed up!

I've also got a Greek lamb meatballs recipe I might make ready for tomorrow, it should reheat well.  Then I'm ready for my busy Thursday!  It's all in the planning, yep, fail to plan, plan to fail!  I can't eat a load of crap at the moment because there ain't any in my house, loads of food but none of it junk!

You can wish for it or you can work for it?  How true is that, I'm a sucker for a good quote but have to admit to not having heard that one before, yet it's so accurate.  Now I'm so thrilled that me taking pictures on myself in my pants has had such a positive reaction, and I'm chuffed that so many of you have followed suit and taken your own "before" photo of your own belly, BUT....  taking the photo was the easy bit, staying on track for 4 solid weeks was the not so easy bit.  Remembering why I started every day was the difference, I wrote it down at the start of my journal, putting it down on paper for me to re-read whenever I needed that reminder, this paragraph was enough to jog my memory and keep me going;

"My fat jeans were wet yesterday and none of my others were going up over my hips, so I had to walk in leggings.  I then pinned my cardigan with my name badge because I could see my belly under my dress and my top belly (a new thing!) and they were being separated by my leggings waistband which was actually accentuating them by pulling in a bit at the wait - the waist which is not longer there!

There was a little more written but that gives you the gist of the story, actually yeah I will share the next bit because so many of us find our excuse;

I'm not going to be that person who lets being a carer, having responsibilities or having a change in my life get in the way of me taking care of my health.  I won't be that girl!

 So are you going to be your excuse or are you going to put your fat pants on, transform them into positive pants and write that WILL DO list, not that 'should do', 'could do', 'ought to do','really know I want to do', your choice.

I'm now starting day 35, it's getting easier, because it's becoming automatic, habitual.  I didn't even contemplate a glass of wine when I got in last night, do you know what I did!  I washed up, tidied the kitchen and warmed my tea up.  What the heck!  You know what though, it was so lovely to get up to an empty sink and clean mugs ready for a cuppa. 

My daily 30 minute walk is doing me the world of good, clearing my head, letting me enjoy some me time and read.  Yeah I didn't think I had time to walk half hour a day either, funnily enough, a little less Facebook, a little less Candy Crush and a little less television means I actually do have 30 minutes.  I can even do Facebook and walk if necessary - multitask!

I'm naturally grabbing a glass of water instead of putting the kettle on and I haven't had heartburn for a week - interesting observation!  I'd been suffering and starting to have Rennie's again over the last month or two.  That could be the tea or the wine being cut down.

Gosh I'm a boringell Weight Watcher all of a sudden ain't I.  Sorry but it feels good and I want you to feel as good as I do.  Sleeping like a baby, waking up with energy, not obsessing about when I can eat next and when I can pour my first glass of wine.  Yeah there is actually more to life than falling asleep on a Saturday night before Xfactor starts!

Here's to another cracking good day BeYOUtiful!  Hope you've jumped on board my Weight Watcher wagon.

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