Monday 28 November 2016

Make Monday matter!

28th November 2016
May your day be filled with good thoughts, kind people and happy moments.
Okay Monday let's do this!  I've had a lovely weekend, today's my day off too but I've decided I'm going to be productive of sorts, not sure how yet, just woke up feeling that way.  We've both got checkups and the hygienist at the dentists this afternoon so I may as well make today a to do day, get stuff done out, earn some fit points along the way.
Food yesterday was good, I had an eggy, cheesy giant crumpet for breakfast with ham, mushrooms and spring onions.  It was delicious!

For lunch I made a chicken hotpot thing, mmm so simple, just chicken, carrots, onions, sliced potatoes and chicken oxos.

Then for tea we had a fish finger sandwich, such a simple, yet tasty meal, they were half price in the new co-op across the road too, which also meant I added some steps onto my fitbit because I walked across!

Mom found a wallet too when she was out walking the dog and I returned that, so even more walking, ended with just over 11,000 steps on my fitbit which included a lovely hours walk on the morning listening to my audio book.

I've been saying "It's not Christmas yet" all last week but now I'm going to have to change that to "Christmas is getting closer!"  This is the time when it gets really difficult, offers are everywhere, the Pringles were half price as well as the fish fingers and yes I did buy mom a tube and yes I did have about 10 of them wasting valuable Smart Points, when spent unwisely they should be called Dumb Points!   I'm going to do my best to stay away from the big supermarkets now, thinking about online shopping maybe to help me resist temptation.  My main Christmas shop is an online one so I won't go silly the week before!

Yeah I'm going to have as little stuff in this house as possible for as long as possible, use up all the stuff I have in the cupboards and freezer, I can get fresh stuff as and when needed!

Here's to a cracking good week ahead, I'm cooking the chicken jalfrezi from the One Pot cook book today, a few of us in my group are going to cook it together to compare notes, I'll need to nip and get a few ingredients for that though as I don't have them.

Before I do anything though, I'm going to finish my water, put the kettle on for a mug of tea and think about the day ahead whilst having me five minutes of quiet.

Here's to making today a good day!  You up for that BeYOUtiful?

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