Sunday 2 October 2016

Keep your why close by!

2nd October 2016
A year from now you'll wish you had started today!

Morning folks, well apart from a trip up the garden with the dog at 2am, I've had a cracking night's sleep, we were in bed just gone half eight, thanks to the rubbish that was XFactor, it was hurting our ear drums, so we decided we'd turn it off, slept till six, not bad at all.

I also finished on track and in control and ready to start day 4 of my 12 week challenge, it sounds like such a long time, 84 days to be precise, but you know what, I'm not going to focus on the other 80, I'm focusing on today - day 4, making it through.  I believe I can do this and that's the line I'm focusing on - I CAN DO THIS!

To help me I'm going to make this month Tracktober, I'm on day 4 of that too, and I'm keeping my WHY close by, why do I want to lose weight?  Well here are some of my reasons;

- More energy
- More enthusiasm to stay on track
- feel and look better in clothes
- might live longer
- Know that I'm taking care of myself
- Improve health
- glowing skin
- have a better relationship with food
- receive compliments
- feel fitter to be active
- Inspire those around you to improve their health too.

There's just a few for starters!  If you need any other suggestions, here's a few you might relate too...

- health problems may improve
- Won't be embarrassed to get naked in front of partner
- may be able to reduce medication
- feel more positive
- Won't have to shop in plus size stores
- prove all those people wrong who said you couldn't do it.
- No longer consider yourself incapable of eating well.
- like yourself - although you know how I feel about that, you should like yourself no matter what you weigh!
- lose weight!
- And last but not least know you've overcome all your excuses!

Feel free to add to your own list of whys?

By reminding myself of WHY it's really helping me to stay focused, it's too easy to slip, to think, oh one won't hurt, I'm start again tomorrow, no not this time, not for the 12 weeks, yes I had my bottle of red last night, but I also made sure I got some steps on my Fitbit first, almost 7,000 not bad for a Saturday when it was pouring with rain.  I also kept my lunch low in Smart Points by making delicious stuffed mushrooms;

Diced carrots, onions, pepper, ham (2sp), Philadelphia light with chives (4sp), that was split between 2 huge mushrooms which I'd sprayed with garlic light oil spray, mom and I had one each, really tasty.   I literally mixed the veg together and topped with philli, like this;

I was making a chilli fry for my tea but it wasn't quite ready so instead I had a Weight Watcher ready meal, thank the universe for them, Salmon & Broccoli melt, that was good for 8sp too, I licked the plate!  

  Breakfast was my usual egg on toast, I bulked it out with tinned tomatoes. 
 I also enjoyed a tub of sugar free jelly, filled a spot where I was thinking, "what could I have now" even though I wasn't actually hungry. 

12 weeks today is Christmas Day, how good would it be to wake up Christmas morning thinking "I'm so glad I made these past 12 weeks count, I feel so much better and can enjoy my Christmas dinner", the beauty of the 12 week challenge is you can start it at any time and you can do it more than once, every 12 weeks, 4 times a year.  Don't keep putting it off though, otherwise you'll end up wasting all those other weeks.

Today I will remember my 'Why's.
Today I will stay on track.
Today I will find delicious meals for lower points.
Today I will go to bed smiling after enjoying my day.

Because I matter too and so does my health as do you BeYOUtiful, as do you.  The one saying I always remind myself of is 'you cannot pour from an empty jug' because if you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone, people constantly put others needs first but at some point your body will give in and then what....

Here's to taking care of you today, focus on the healthy and happy, maybe if you've not been 'on it' make today Day one #12wksdiff

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