Saturday 8 October 2016

Doing it ain't I - Day 10!

8th October 2016
Always find time for the things that make you happy to be alive.

Yay, Day 10!  Who'd have thunk it, I made it through to day ten, yesterday was a tester I think, bit of a stressful morning when my brand new Crockpot wouldn't work when I turned it on, used only once!  Had great difficulty with their customer service and was a little wound up to say the least because it stole my morning and I had plans.  It would've been so easy to just grab some crap, especially as I'd planned on using the crockpot to make our meal so now I hadn't got anything for lunch but I didn't, I talked to myself and rationalised that overeating wasn't going to get me my money back or make the crockpot work.  Instead I went for a walk with mom and Alfie and had me a rant as I stomped, by the time I got back I was okay. 
For lunch I opened a tin of stewing steak and we had that with mash and brocolli, it was delicious, if you haven't ever had a tin of stew steak, you should, mmm I always dry fry some onions first, then add an oxo or two to the empty tin and some hot water to swill the can out, then stir it up.  This brand is slightly more expensive than some but it's far leaner meat and only 5sp for the entire tin, absolute bargain and delicious.

For my tea when I got back from meeting I had mini satay chicken with flatbread and salad (10sp total), I really like those chicken sticks, often have them as a snack when I'm hungry in the supermarket, only 4sp for the packet.

Breakfast was Weight Watcher cumberland sausages (1sp each) and egg, mushrooms, tomatoes on toast;

Mmm so what shall I make Day 10 taste of, I might roast a chicken and have a chicken dinner, I had planned to cook it in my new singing, dancing crockpot that was supposed to roast, bake and steam as well as slow cook but that's not going to happen now it's being returned, instead I'll roast it the good old fashioned way in the oven, the danger there is the skin!  Maybe I'll give it to Alfie, or maybe I'll weigh it on my Weight Watcher scales and eat it, after all I can if I have the points, then I'll go for a walk to earn some FitPoints. 

Whilst I was typing that I actually realised I can live without the skin, I want a weight loss more, It's 11 weeks to Christmas, yep it'll be Christmas Eve, 11 weeks today, 77 days away, and having lost 2.5lb this week, I've decided I'm keeping it real and I'd like a total loss of 10lb by then, anymore will be a bonus, the truth is I'd love another 12lb, making it 14.5lb in total but I don't know if I'm willing to be that on track or if this middle aged body will work that well anymore.  I know if I stuck to my daily and weekly allowance and kept away from my FitPoints I'd possibly lose it faster but let's be honest, I'd smile a bit less without my wine!  I'd rather use my dailies for good, healthy, nutritious food, then earn some for wine, I think that's healthier than using some of my dailies for wine and having less nutritious food.  There's method in my madness :)

I'm taking the time to take care of me, I think it's even more important to me because I see so many people not doing it and I see how miserable it makes them in the long term, you can't pour from an empty jug.

It's also important to set a good example to others, all those moms out there putting themselves at the bottom of a very long list, you're showing your daughters that it's okay to do that and they'll possibly follow your lead.  Each and every one of us is important, we all deserve to prioritise ourselves, it doesn't mean you love the rest of your loved ones any less, it just means you love yourself too.

Right, I better get this day 10 started, 4 weeks for me to notice the difference, so only another 18 days to go, see the time will pass anyway so we may as well make that time matter, use it to make ourselves healthy and happy.

Here's to a wonderful weekend, starting with a sensational Saturday.  You in?

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