Friday 16 September 2016


16th September 2016
If you stumble, make it part of the dance.

Diet, I often think it stands for Did I Eat That!  Thankfully Weight Watchers is a weight loss plan rather than a 'diet', when people think about dieting, they think about deprivation, starvation almost but that's not how anyone is going to successfully lose weight!  It's actually a good way to end up with a good eating disorder because people tend to get into the cycle of "Undereating, hunger, overeating" and although they may get some weight loss initially at some point their body will stream "EAT!" and they will.  Oh how I've been there, done that. 

This is also why we shouldn't be in a rush to lose weight, I know we want to get rid of that excess asap, but in reality it don't work that way and by trying to do that we end up not succeeding.  Slow and steady really does win the race, making changing you can continue forever so that you have new habits is what it's all about.

We all overeat, think back to the last time you ate so much you felt absolutely stuffed!  Was it because what you were eating was absolutely delcious and you didn't want to leave any, or was it because you'd had a super stressful day and you were inhaling anything you could get your hands on to stifle your anxiety or anger?  Now and again that's okay, food is comforting, we're born and immediately nurtured with food and it continues all our life. It shouldn't happen day in day out though, food shouldn't be our only way of coping with negative emotions.  So how else can we cope with those emotions?

I'm all for feeling em these days, I don't get it right all the time but I've realised it's okay to be a moody cow, to sit and feel those negative emotions, they don't consume you if you let them come and go.  I believe the more we try to bottle stuff up the worse we'll be so share those emotions, if you feel sad, tell someone, talk it out.  If you're angry at someone, tell them, don't hit them (that's not nice) but it's okay to be angry and to tell that person why. 

These days we seem to live in a world where we thing everything has to be good all the time, we have to be happy constantly, we don't, I'm most certainly not.  Healthy and Happy is my goal but I'm well aware that part of that healthy is acknowledging life ain't all roses and champagne, sometimes it's all weeds and water!  And that's okay! 

It's not all about "emotional eating", sometimes overeating is just a mindless habit, it tastes good, you're sat in front of the tele, why not?  How'd you deal with that?  Well to start with if you don’t own it, you can’t eat it that's my motto, don't buy what you don't plan on eating, motivation wanes and willpower don't last!  Find a new mindless habit for when you're sitting in front of the tv, colouring, dot-to-dots, crosswords, games on your phone - none of these will make you gain weight.  Heck we could get up and go do something less boring instead!  Who remembers "why don't we?" :) But seriously if what you're watching on the tv isn't holding your attention, why the hell are you watching it?

Let's make this weekend all about the "WHY", start asking yourself that question more often, "why did I eat that?", or "why do I want to eat that?", "why am I doing this?", "why am I struggling?", Why, why, why?  If you don't ask the questions, you can't find the answers!

On that note, I'm off to eat my first red tomato out of my greenhouse for breakfast.  Why?  Because I'm really chuffed one of them has gone red and I'm hoping it tastes really good, I'm going to have it with avocado I think, mmm.

Enjoy your day BeYOUtiful?  Why? Why not!

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