Wednesday 14 September 2016

What's most important in your life right now?

14th September 2016
When you wake in the morning, appreciate what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

Woke at 6, I don't have to set my alarm on a Wednesday now as I don't have a morning meeting, it's nice to ease myself into my day, as I have 3 days where my alarm clock goes off at 4.30ish.  Once awake I meditated and I use the Headspace app on my phone, as I've done nearly every pack on there it had just added a new "sport" one - don't worry I'm not planning on becoming an athlete, however when I looked I liked the topics, 'motivation', 'focus', so I decided to give the motivation one a go.  It's a reflective meditation and the questions it asked was;

What's most important in your life right now?
What's the most important thing in your life right now?

He said it as if it were one question but I heard it as two and my immediate responses in my mind were;

My mom's happiness.

The first didn't really surprise me although it wouldn't have been the answer I'd have expected if I'm honest, my happiness yes as I'm not embarrassed to say I do put myself first, but I realise that the two things are connected, if mom's happy - I'm happy, if I'm happy - moms happy.  The "calmness" response makes perfect sense to me too, I'm at a stage in my life where I don't want any drama, if any arrives in my world, I remove myself from it.  I'm 100% in the praise of slowing down, I've realised most of what we do doesn't matter in the scheme of things.

There would've been a time when my reply would've been "weight loss" or something related to do with getting a thin body, notice I said 'thin' not healthy, because back then, it wasn't healthy I was interested in, I just wanted to look good and I believed 'looking good' was the same as 'thin', how funny that all these years on, it's the last thing I want, you can keep thin - been there, done that, messed my body up doing it.  Now all I'm interested in is the healthy and happy, it's all that really matters, everything else is just stuff.

When I look back over the years at the stuff that seemed really important at the time and caused me stress, they don't matter at all now. 

I like this version of me, the Bev who likes pretty flowers in her garden to look at, who lives in chaos because housework is dull and when I tidy I can't ever find anything, who gets excited about food, you should've seen how happy I was eating my Birds Eye potato waffles yesterday! 
 10 Smart Points of Happy ;)

Yeah I'm happy for sure, I'm calm (most of the time, I still throw wobblies, they're just less frequent, I had a hissy fit last night because I knocked water over my new book, Alfie was being an arse so of course it was his fault, nothing to do with the fat I couldn't find a flat surface on the coffee table because there's that much crap on there!  Mmm, I was a tad dramatic, but within minutes I realised I was being ridiculous and calmed back down, back in the day I'd have sulked over that, the fact I'd ruined the new tracker book would've meant I couldn't have possibly tracked now!  Yeah I behaved like a 12 year old well into my 20s!

Moms just woke up so I'm gonna go make her a nice cuppa and get her drugs, before making her breakfast and guess what, I woke up feeling the cleaning thing!  I'm going to do a bit of housework, I don't know where that's come from but I'm going to take advantage of it, at least until it's warm enough to sit up the garden in the sunshine (if that arrives!)

Enjoy your day BeYOUtiful, ask yourself these questions, think about them throughout the day;

What's most important in your life right now?
What's the most important thing in your life right now?

Hopefully your answer won't be chocolate!

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