Wednesday 7 September 2016

Support means more than a good bra!

7th September 2016
When you have support, it doesn't matter what's in front of you because of what you have behind you!

Everything is easier with support, I was reminded of that yesterday, throughout the day, from conversations I had with members at the scales, to watching my members interact with each other whilst waiting for the meeting to start and conversations that happened whilst the meeting chat was taking place.  I see it every day in our Facebook group, if someone has had a bad day or struggling with a situation, the other members are there will ideas and support.  Yeah, Weight Watchers definitely works because of that group support, oh and it's cracking Smart Points plan too of course.  I love that it's been proven that members lose 8 times more weight with Weight Watchers than trying to lose weight alone, that says it all really.

I also think you can support yourself too, a great way of doing that is keeping a journal, not just writing down what you're eating but your thoughts and progress too.  You then have a visual of how far you've come which you can look back on.  You'll be able to see your success and this can help to motivate you on a week that's challenging.  We all have good and bad weeks and the beauty of a journal is seeing the overall trend of progress, it'll help you see which food choices and habits have worked best for you and which don't work so well.  If you record everything, weight, inches, meals, thoughts, even how your body is feeling, it's all a motivator and helps make your goals more achievable.

Just writing this has reminded me I've always written a journal like this when I've succeeded at weight loss, so I think I'll be finding me a pretty notepad today, I have plenty to chose from in my office and starting my ramblings and food journal, my app is fab for keeping track throughout the day of the meals but I like to write the rest too, all my ramblings.

I've also got myself the support of a meeting as a member haven't I and it does make that huge difference, I'm being "better" with my eating knowing that I'm going to my meeting on Friday, not just because I'll be weighed by my leader but because I know everyone in that room is rooting for me to do well and I'd like to make me and them proud.   Still not perfect but getting there and it's helping knowing they care.

Of course support in your personal life helps enormously, no one can do everything alone and if you could, why would you want to!  I've been surrounded by love and support this week and it's always appreciated, at the weekend there was everyone who took part of donated to our memory walk for Alzheimer's, that was an incredible day. 

My manager and colleagues have showed my incredible support this week also which is greatly appreciated especially as we work pretty much on our own most of the time.

Then last night I've never been so grateful to have someone come to my rescue, our sink got blocked and I knew after it had happened last year that the pipes would have to be taken apart, I didn't have time to do it before I went to work, so I was over the moon to find it had all been sorted when I got home.  My brother had been round and done it, he really has been a true support over the last year or so, just knowing he's there if I need anything makes a huge difference.

Right I'm off to find me a pretty notebook, I'm ready to not just right it down now but to improve the amount I'm consuming, persistence not perfection.   Kids are back to school, I'm back to Weight Watchers, I know I don't have children but I can still use them as my excuse :)

Here's to a great day BeYOUtiful - you in?

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