Monday 5 September 2016

It already is a September to remember xx

5th September 2016
The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.

Yesterday was a truly wonderful day, a real memory maker, mom completed the memory walk with style and everyone walked beside her proudly.  There were plenty of giggles too which is always guaranteed when you're out with my mom.  Mom's almost hit her £500 target, I hit my £100 one and as a team so far we've banked £709 with more to come I believe, so thank you to everyone involved, so much love out there and yesterday you could feel it.

It was lovely to see two of my brothers in the same place too, we never get together as a family, so to have a few of us in the same place was truly lovely.

I'm not the best passenger in a car and yesterday having to sit in the back reminded me, I felt sick for quite a while, it helped me stay on track I guess, every cloud and all that.  I resisted the cake after the event, and the half of tikka wrap I was offered.  I was starving when I went shopping later though, odd combination starving and sicky at the same time, I ended up having a bag of salted peanuts and ate half the bag, 50g = 9sp, the equivalent of a meal I guess but I could stomach much else.  Of course it improved and I had a corned beef sandwich for tea with some low fat coleslaw.

I got a little carried away in the supermarket so the food in my fridge hasn't been pointed yet, I have a feeling they won't be low in Smart Points but they will be tasty, I can work them into my days I'm sure ;)

I'm feeling a day of quiet today, reading my book and chilling out, after yesterday we've earned that day for sure and then I'll be recharged ready for a cracking week of meetings. 

The kids are all going back to school which means the moms can come back to Weight Watchers, although a lot of your managed to juggle the both - I'm impressed my lovelies.

There's a great offer for new and rejoining members this week too, so please spread the word, save 50% with our 3 month Meetings + Online plan – what a bargain at just £32.18! (only £2.47 per meeting) plus they get a free fantastic No Count cookbook worth £7.95! An offer not to be missed so please spread the news as it's a one week only offer.

I'm contemplating a No Count day because I've woke up hungry, I really have, mmm yeah, bacon and egg for breakfast, steak and sweet potato jacket for lunch and if there's room maybe gammon for tea.  Ooo I just could eat all that right this minute. Yeah defo gonna do No Count today :) then I'll spend a bit of time Smart Pointing the stuff I bought yesterday ready for the rest of my week.

Here's to a great week, let's make it a September to remember shall we BeYOUtiful?

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