Wednesday 31 August 2016

Wednesday - let's have ya

31st August 2016
Embrace the glorious mess that you are, then embrace the day ahead.

Today I've woken up to a conversation that's made me realise I'm alive!  Today I'm going to act like I'm lucky to be in that position and I will try to do that every day, remind myself that my life is good and I'm blessed by so much and if the worst thing going on in my life right now is a difficulty to eat less and lose weight, damn I'm a lucky lady!  How about you?  Are you lucky? 

I didn't ask if your life was easy, hell not many people's are but when you look around and realise we're all coping with our own bag of crap, take comfort in that because notice how many of them are managing to smile which proves it can be done.  You may not be able to change your situations but you can change your reactions to those situations.  And don't forget that sometimes it's okay to be a miserable cow too!  It's okay to have yourself a pity party, just don't unpack and live there.

I'm in a good place this week, yay to hormones behaving, and not forgetting the sunshine, I absolutely love it, I'm half way through my second book in a week and enjoying the taking time out, it's not an easy read, not my usual kind of book, making me uncomfortable because I'm not good with violence but it's been chosen as the book club read so I'm glad I'm being made to read something different, it's called Dear Amy by Helen Callaghan. 

My never ending mission to keep my weight under control went okay yesterday, I had a couple of slices of toast for breakfast, Salmon fillet with crushed minted petit pois, soft cheese and puff pastry for lunch and only 6sp, then Balinese chicken for tea with leftover mash 11sp, so not a bad day at all, of course a glass of red to wash it down was on the menu.

Mmm what to eat today, I think I have burgers in the fridge, may need to nip out and get me some burger buns and indulge in a big burger nom nom, no work till this evening, forecast looks good too, so might see if mom wants a drive for an hour or wants to chill up the garden, either works for me.  Until she wakes up I'll get about doing the work I do need to get done, spoke to soon I've just heard her shout "what" I think she's been dreaming and it's woke her up.

Better go put the kettle on, here's to a bloody good day - you up for that?

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