Thursday 11 August 2016

Today IS going to be a GOOD day!

11th August 2016

Fall in love with taking care of yourself.  Mind, Body & Spirit.

Well I was emotional yesterday!  Yep I went through them all, sad, anger, cranky, flat, full circle back to happy, I needed to do it otherwise I'd be bottling stuff up and that wouldn't be good either.  It all started with the bins, how silly is that, but only because mom was always really anal about the recycling being washed, cleaned and in the correct bin and now I have to sort through it because she's putting stuff in there that shouldn't be in there.  Stupid I know but just one of the things that give me that reality check to remind me what's going on and it is happening!  Hey ho, we'll go back to normal today or our version of it and carry on like nothings changing.  It's working in our world and we're loving life in the NOW!

A lovely lady at my meeting last night who talks to mom when she's out walking Alfie bought mom a belated birthday cake, she'd made it with her girls and iced it lovely, it had moms name on and flowers and bees and it was so pretty, mom was absolutely made up, so thank you to Beth and people out there as lovely as her who make the world a much better place to be in.  I for one am truly grateful, how lovely to remember that mom didn't get cake on her birthday because of her broken jaw.  Can I just say, I'm not a cake person, but I did go over my allowance yesterday with a slice of that, it was epic! 

We ended up at the emergency dentist yesterday, moms crown had come out, so I think the fall had probably knocked it loose, he's put it back in though so alls good.

How did all this affect my day food wise, well not too bad to be honest, could do better I think they'd write if I was getting a report card but it's improving.  I had a BLT for breakfast, I microwaved the bacon for quickness, only 7sp in total.  Lunch was late because we were trying to cram stuff in, dog walk, dentist, cake baking, by the time I remembered, it was gone 3 so I was making mom an egg and cress sandwich so I had the same but only the egg whites, which worked out about 6sp for my lunch.  Tea was birthday cake!  I did have the leftover chicken with noodles (wanted to use them up from cupboard, I will clear it out!) so about 13sp for my tea.  Not a bad day at all really, I even had a small glass of wine, I still ate too much bread but as there isn't any in the house this morning, I can't have bread today, I do have some wraps though!

Was thinking homemade pitta pizza for lunch, mom would like them too, might have scrambled eggs for breakfast, quick and easy, have them with some mushrooms, maybe tinned tomatoes, will see.  Then I'll have a think about tea time, need to take something out of the freezer and make sure it's ready to stop me eating rubbish or buying takeaway! 

Getting that control back, one meal at a time, being more aware, making time to take care of me, I won't be any good to anybody if I neglect myself.  I'm goign to chose one of my Simply Cook kits today and get the ingredients to make it tomorrow so I've got a nice meal to look forward too, I might do one today for tea too, yeah having good food to look forward too is always a good thing!

I almost forgot, I baked cakes yesterday with my new food mixer!  MMm, they don't do what I expected them to do, they leave flour round the side of the bowl, I expected to throw ingredients out and they automatically made amazing cakes!  There's no instructions on what number to put the speed on, the dial goes from 1 - 12, or how long to whizz it for, it's all a bit vague for my liking but on a real positive, and the best thing to come out of my baking experience was watching Julie laugh like a drain at me as I explained my baking afternoon, she was almost crying!  She did however confirm my cakes tasted good despite being a little flat.  Will I be trying to master the victoria sponge mixture, not any time soon no, I'd personally rather eat the cake mixture and at 5sp each, nah not for me.

Today IS going to be a GOOD day, how do I know?  Because I decided it will be, I'll make it so.  Yeah here's to a lot of laughter, Bloxwich bring your smiles with you, let's have a great day.

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