Monday 22 August 2016

Magic Monday anyone?

22nd August 2016
Life is an echo; what you send our comes back.

Monday morning and thinking a day staying close to home, it sounds like the crash on the motorway last night was a bad one, shut it all night and those at V have still to find their way home, so I'm thinking if we do go anywhere, it won't be very far. 

I'm also thinking I'm going to cook in my meetings this week, just to decide what, and whether to be as brave, I mean as silly as I was a good few years ago when I cooked a different dish in every meal!  Mmm, maybe, be good to prove to myself as well as members that cooking healthy doesn't have to be hard or take long.

We had a lovely chicken dinner yesterday and instead of cooking lots, I just roasted 2 chicken legs with a chopped up carrot and onion, then had that with mash and cabbage, it was delicious and no hassle at all.  The other legs in the packet, I put to marinade in tandoori, that's today sorted.  What I did notice was they were a lot smaller than some chicken legs I've bought in the past, I expected there to be 4 in the pack and there was 6, but we still enjoyed the meal, didn't feel like I'd had less chicken because it was smaller. Cheaper than chicken breast too at £3 for the pack of six.

Hopefully you've made it through the weekend, if you're still struggling to find your motivation, remind yourself and accept that you're not perfect and you won't ever be, heck who wants to be!  Lower those expectations, you won't lose a stone in a day, you're not going to be able to resist temptation forever, it's okay.

Start learning from your mistakes, if you've not had a great weekend, ask yourself why?  What went wrong, what could you do next time?  It's called being human, let your mistakes drive you to future success rather than keep you from striving for it.

Still struggling - ask for help!  Struggling along on your own in silence is one of the hardest things you can do, it's good to talk.  I had a ten minute chat with my massage lady on Saturday that did me the world of good, I got things off my chest that I didn't even realise were there in the first place.  Find someone who won't judge you for what comes out of your mouth, oh and by the way, if you're one of my members, I can be that person.  Just talking things through can really help, it also can help you find solutions to problems you might not have even realised you have.

And regardless of how your weekends gone and how your weight loss journey is going right now, before you even think about doing anything about it, stop for a moment, remind yourself that you are fantastic, you're already BeYOUtiful, you're just looking at losing some weight and getting healthier, you're already a great human being.  Go write it on a post-it note and stick it on the bathroom mirror, hell write lots of them and stick them everywhere, "I'm awesome", "I rock", write whatever you like as long as it's positive.  Don't forget to big yourself up for all the things you do well, we all have them.

So let's get to today and what we're going to do to make it a success, we talk about goals but sometimes they can be a little scary, so just make a 24 hour goal for today, mine is to eat some fruit, have 3 healthy meals and stay positive.  That's plenty for a Monday isn't it! 

One step at a time I say and of course I expect you to celebrate your accomplishments, I'll be doing that at the end of today with a glass of red wine, you can do it with a pat on your own back, or a treat, maybe paint your nails, read your book, whatever you enjoy as long as it's not going to take you off track. 

I need to get my cook books out if I'm to do the cooking in the meeting malarkey, I must be mad, but at least I'm happy in my madness.

Have a great day, make Monday magic. xx

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