Tuesday 16 August 2016

It's normal to want to eat!

16th August 2016
Health is not just about what you're eating.  It's also about what you're thinking and saying.
I couldn't settle yesterday at all!  Mom and I went to the fruit farm for breakfast followed by a drive, we got back by half eleven and I went to sit in the garden but I just couldn't relax.  Instead we decided to go for another drive this time to Bridgnorth, so glad we did as we had a lovely walk along the river, mom enjoyed two ice creams, one as soon as we got out of the car, another when we were almost back at the car, the beauty of Alzheimer's, you forget you've already had one ;)

We also sat and enjoyed a cuppa in a pub garden, then drove back the long way round, ended up passing Weston Park so stopped for another cuppa, I chose water this time whilst mom had an Almond macaroon. I managed to resist both the ice cream and macaroon to enjoy Tandoori chicken with sweet potato wedges when I got home, so glad I'd put them marinating or I may have been tempted!

By the time we got back home I was ready to relax and my restlessness had disappeared, I was happy to sit in the garden again and do nothing.

I'm guessing I could've been productive with that restlessness and done housework but erm.... that ain't happening when the suns shining.  I'm not getting a holiday again this year so I like to pretend my days off are holidays when the sun shines.

I did pop over to see the vicar of St Albans to hand over the £560 we raised for the church, so grateful to all my members from all my meetings who bought raffle tickets or Weight Watcher friendly cakes, and of course a big thank you to Julie for baking and to everyone who donated a prize for the raffle, so generous of everyone.  Just shows what can be done when we all pull together.

Together is better isn't it, that's what makes a Weight Watchers meeting such a great place to be, everything really is easier with support and I love to see that support in the meetings and then see it spill out into my Facebook group between members from all my meetings supporting each other through the difficult times. 

It's never going to always be easy, actually for some it's never easy at all!  All we can do is our best, when we're really struggling, focus on one meal at a time.  I'm not going to lie when I got to the fruit farm yesterday morning, I was hypnotised by the menu, instead of saying poached eggs on toast please, my food ordering tourettes kicked in and I said can I have a "full English breakfast please with a slice of toast", there is was out of my mouth before I could say "poached eggs on toast", I did Smart Point it, roughly 23 Smart Points, it was divine though and don't forget I was on "my Monday sunshine day holiday", erm rubbish excuse I know...

So what happened next, did I think well I've blown it today, I can't manage the rest of the day on 7sp so I may as well start again tomorrow, sod it!  No, I thought well that'll keep me going all day now, I won't need any lunch and I'll just have a healthy tea and do the best I can.  Persistence not perfection is what it's all about, healthy and happy remember, the breakfast made me happy, my behaviour afterwards got me back to healthy.

If I'd gone into sod it mode, I'd have had the ice cream, I'd have had a sandwich and crisps when mom had her cake, then I'd have added at least another 30-40sp to my day!  And that's what it's all about, keeping it real, as long as those scales aren't going up week on week, it's all good.

Today, I'll have a 5sp breakfast and I'll enjoy it just as much, what will you do today to live your life the healthy way?

Happy Tuesday BeYOUtiful xx

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