Tuesday 14 June 2016

think about what you're doing...

14th June 2016
The future depends on what we do in the present.  Mahatma Gandhi

Keeping it brief this morning, partly because I've only had 2 hours sleep, partly because I unexpectedly spent last night at the hospital with mom and she's still there.

Your challenge today is to really think about what you're eating, how you're behaving towards yourself and if the way you're living your life is helping you lead a healthy and happy life or is it getting you one step closer to a drive in a big ambulance.

That's it, that's me today, I could go all deep with this but I don't have the time or the inclination this morning, I need to sort everything before work, then I need to hope that they'll let mom come home, I'm fearing they won't, until we have tests done I'll live in hope.

Take care of you because you're important too, don't neglect yourself whilst taking care of your family because one day, it might be your child sitting with you in A&E hoping you're going to be alright because the neglect from all those years is now showing through!

Oh and smile, never forget to smile BeYOUtiful because no matter how bad it all is, worry and stress is about as useful as a wooden rocking horse - it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere!


  1. Hi Bev
    Sorry to hear about your Mum -Sending you & your Mum lots of love & well wishes. Xxx
    I am a WW online member & read your blog everyday - you are very inspiring & I really look forward to your updates.
    I do hope everything is okay, take care Jane x

  2. thank you Lemonhotwater for your kind words xx I'm waiting to visit to find out more, they won't tell me over the phone
