Monday 6 June 2016

June-uary, Monday morning, sunshine - let's do this!

6th June 2016
Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.  Nido Qubein

"I am in charge of how I feel and this week I'm choosing happiness."

That's what it says on Day 1 of my new Journal :) and as June-uary is the new January, that is what I would be starting then and with it being a Monday and there being £1 off the journals this week, I see all those things as a sign that the Universe is telling me to buy myself one and get tracking properly, set myself some targets, make myself accountable and stop faffing about!  I might have lost 1/2lb last Friday but that was more by luck, when you're kinda doing the plan, you'll kinda get results.  Which is why I've given my head a wobble, taken out my pen and got me a journal.  I want to lose.  I've already filled in 'My Why' and surprisingly it was easy this time, it's simply "What I want to lose weight?" my response, "to take the pressure off my knee and be healthy and happy", really is simple as that.

I'll do all the measurements later, I will search out my old journal too hopefully to check if there's been any chances, I've lost 8lb since January, I know that's not an incredible amount, but it's not on!  It's good enough for me, as long as it's going down overall that's all that matters.

The suns here too, that helps, even if rains forecast for tomorrow, we'll enjoy the sunshine today, I'm feeling the salad love again, lots of pasta and potato salads this week I think, getting my portion sizes back under control and doing away with the snacking that's crept in a little, mom needs to stop putting her goodies on the table in-between us!

There are more than the scales to measure our success, for me this week, I'll measure my success by whether or not I get to the end of week one in my journal.  My 10 week target is to still be writing in the journal and hopefully have lost 10lb!  Need to stop messing about now, use the summer to my advantage.

Today's challenge is meat free Monday, I can do that today I reckon, I've got some leftover veg from yesterdays cooked dinner, I think I'm going to throw them in a curry sauce, so I'll be pointing today as it's a shop bought curry sauce. 

You don't have to do the whole day meat free if it's too much, just the main meal will do.  Don't forget beans on toast and egg and chips are veggie meals!

I've also been asked to switch Tuesdays and Wednesdays challenge, so this is the order they'll be in;

Tuesday: Include more No Count foods even if you're doing a Smart Point day, we all know these foods are good regardless of which plan you're following, Wholewheat pasta and rice, lean meat, fruit and veg the list is a good list of foods.
Wednesday: Go without bread products for a day - this is a real toughie for most of us I think!

Right let's do this, moms moving about so I'm on tea and drugs duty, I've already had a glass of water and an apple, start as I mean to go on!

I'm ready for this - are you BeYOUtiful?  Remember you can draw that line as many times as you need too! 

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