Monday 28 March 2016

Yay rainy Bank Holiday Monday!

28th March 2016
Don't stress the could haves, if it should have, it would have.

Raining a little bit out there!  True Bank Holiday Monday style, glad I've nothing planned, just a day of whatever the mood takes me, my office is screaming tidy me up, but I've got my fingers in my ears and I'm singing "la, la, la, I can't hear you!"  Childish I know but the ironing is giving me daggers too!  Mmm, whatever, I've done more than my fair share of work this week, I can't see much happening today, got me a super busy week ahead as one of my awesome helpers is on holiday and I'm also hoping to go successfully go live in my meeting with automation on Wednesday.  So today, well I think it might involve chilling, tv, knitting, a bit of cooking, nothing taxing at all.

But first I do need to do some work as I have to get ready for my meetings this week, not sure what we'll be chatting about yet, I'm guessing everyone is all chocolated out!  I had half a packet of white chocolate buttons (4sp), I did indulge in a hot cross bun with coffee curd for breakfast, then we had fish in breadcrumbs, egg, chips and peas for Dinner, mmm.

I'm staying away from the supermarkets today, trying to use up some of the food in the freezer and cupboard and also aware that there will be lots of reduced chocolate stuff floating about on the shelves of the shops, I don't need that kind of temptation in my life!  If anyone does have chocolate they want rid of, bring it to the meeting and I'll take to the local food bank / soup kitchen.

Yeah here's to a lazy day or chilling, you never know there might be something worth watching on the tv!  I won't hold my breath.  I'm going so I can get the work done that needs doing, then by the time mom wakes up, I'll be free of my office.  Happy Monday everyone, make it a good one.

I found this on my computer this morning in a very old file, so I've Smart Pointed it and think it would be an interesting dish, a mild creamy curry for 3sp, not a bad idea.

Tuna Curry

Serves 4, 3sp per serving

3 cans of tuna in spring water or brine (drained weight 390g total)  (3sp)
1 onion
1 can of cream of mushroom soup (Heinz = 7sp)
2tsp curry powder (1sp)

Fry onions in a little water until soft.  Add curry powder and stir.  Add soup mix and tuna and stir thoroughly and simmer until 5 minutes.  Serve warm.

For extra points serve with rice, 60g dried = 6sp (weighs 160g cooked)

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