Tuesday 22 March 2016

What do you want most - not right now!

22nd March 2016
You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.  Martin Luther King

"I ate a damn hot cross bun - going to bed with Netflix" or words to that effect was a message I received from a member last night.  Now I know she won't mind me using her for my blog, but let's be honest that could've been any one of us at one time or another, we've all tried to resist that food that's sat in the kitchen and finally given in.  She resisted from 6pm when she'd messaged me the photo of said buns saying "really want one of these thought but one will lead to all four" and caved just after 9pm, so resisted for 3 hours!  Why did she buy them?  Well I did notice the reduction sign on them from £1 to 50p, that's something I'd do, if she's anything like me, she'll have justified it firstly because it was a bargain, then with the thought that the kids and hubby would like them (I use mom as my excuse), believing all the time she's in the shop she will be able to resist because she's just got back on track and this time really needs to lose weight and has decided she's going to do it.

So what happened, why did she eat the bun?  Because 3 hours of sitting thinking about something in the other room, that you really want but feel you shouldn't have is pure torture!  And anyone who struggles with their weight will totally get how difficult this is!  I've done in the last few days with Pringles, on Saturday they were on offer in the Tesco garage when I got some petrol for £1, I know mom likes them so took her a pack but unlike me she doesn't eat them all at once and they torture me, sitting there by the side of her chair, I caved last night and asked where are they, luckily she'd finished them off - phew!

As the Borg would say "resistance is futile" but they weren't talking about Hot Cross Buns or Pringles but let's be honest, if you really like eating certain foods and they are in the house and you're not in that place where you're 100% motivated and on it like a car bonnet, you are not going to be able to easily resist the good stuff.

So, what do we do?  Not buy it - that's the easiest.  Don't give me the "it's for the kids" line, they're not eating it - you are!  If the kids want a treat, buy it on the day they're going to eat it and stop buying loads of treats, 67% of adults in this country are overweight, we had too many treats as kids!  Let's stop the epidemic, if they don't have the taste for treats, it's easier to resist. 

This week in my meetings, we're going to be looking at what to do if you do indulge, how to pull it back, how to make your meals lower but filling so you can enjoy a treat. 

Another of my members had a delicious looking evening meal for 10sp last night - 5 Heck chicken sausage, baked beans, actifry potatoes and a dry fried egg.  It looked like a satisfying tea, it also didn't look like "diet" food which can be another danger of trying to lose weight.  You've got to enjoy the journey!

Wanting and needing are two different things.  What do you want more - it really is that simple, do you want a weight loss or do you want the cake/chocolate/crisps/chips whatever your 'thing' is.  Your hunger for weight loss has to be greater than your hunger for the C foods!"  At some point we have to be accountable for our behaviour and yes I know it's hard, I'm struggling to do it too.  No one likes to eat and drink more than me, I sat watching mom eat afternoon tea yesterday, the most amazing, highly recommended by everyone scone with clotted cream and strawberry jam, oh my, but I sat there thinking no I want to get a weight loss more.  I did break of a tiny piece to taste and it was delicious but I had my taste and hopefully I'll get my weight loss.  I'm in no rush, I'll be happy with half pound, as long as I'm finding a balance and getting some kind of control back, that's my main goal at the moment. 

I've even found me an alternative meeting to get weighed this Friday as my own is closed because of Easter, I've realised I need that weigh-in, I need to be accountable to someone other than myself.  It's helping me to know that I'm being weighed by my leader on a regular basis and I know when I go back to my meeting in two weeks time, if I tell my fellow members I've lost weight, they'll be pleased for me and will share in my feeling of happy ;)

That's why Weight Watchers works, it's also an hour for myself, all about me!  I love it.

Right I need to go wash and get ready for work, I've a car to load, I must remember too that I need to load the food for the Soup Kitchen, I'll be dropping that off later too when I'm running a few errands.

I do love my simple life, we enjoyed our little drive to Moseley Old Hall yesterday with our National Trust passes, we've purchased a NT Passport which we intend to get stamped every time we visit a difference place, we're going to do a cake tour, I shall watch mom eat cake in at least 30 different places - how lucky am I!
Have a great day BeYOUtiful, focus on what you want most, not what you want now, here's today's Smart Point recipe, I'm not a fan of chick peas but this recipe was cooked for me and it was delicious!

Chickpea Mmm
Total 16sp with potato, 12sp without.

One can drained chickpea,(7sp)
Tablespoon of olive oil (5sp)
medium chopped onion,
medium chopped fresh tomato,
half teaspoon. garam masala, cumin, & turmeric 
one teaspoon each of ginger and garlic
Salt and chilli as needed,
Red pepper - optional
Medium diced potato - optional (4sp)

Add onions to pan, with a tablespoon of olive oil, soften onion and then add all spices, stir quickly and add chick peas. Then stir, add tomatoes and stir

Add some water and let cook on slow heat till peas get soft. You can then add red pepper and cook another 5 mins.

If you want to add potato, use one med diced potato and add when adding chick peas

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