Saturday 2 January 2016

One down, many more to go :)

2nd January 2016
Let people do what they need to do to make them happy, mind your own business, and do what you need to do to make you happy.

And there it was - gone!  I'm only back to work today, that went really quickly, I've rested and apart from a bit of housework and some cooking, I've not done much with my time off.  Although it hasn't really been a week off as there's always WW'er stuff to do but luckily it's a passion not just a job, so I see the good parts as a hobby and the other stuff as the work.

I started my day by getting the journal out and doing all the things it says to do in there, I took my measurements 'eek' I've used centimetres instead of inches as I don't understand what those numbers mean in relation to my size.  I then did me a little inspiration board, so went through some photos, found a couple of full length ones from December that I weren't so happy with and then looked back and found two where I know I felt fabulous and I was pleased to realise I wasn't as light as the charts suggest I should be then either, so I'm aiming for those weights for now.  And I'm going to journal every day, especially because it asks me these two questions;

SOMETHING THAT MADE ME LAUGH TODAY: hearing moms giggles as we were watching the films "Mrs Brown boys"and "Kingsman", she seemed to find heads being blown off amusing!

THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TODAY: I finally got a meal plan of sorts in place which in itself doesn't sound so great but it was the culmination of all the effort I'd put in sorting my kitchen and starting my journal. 

I made it through day one by the way, finished on 30 smart points, even measured my milk for my 3 cups of tea, yeah drinking more water, less tea and of course no wine as that was one of my resolutions for this week.

Had scrambled tofu for breakfast, I'm trying to use everything that's already in the kitchen as pay day is far away and it's gonna be a very tight month!  For dinner we had cheese and potato pie and baked beans, that cost me high with the points but it was already made from the day before and I wasn't wasting it, plus it was delicious. I actually threw my tea away and started again, I know I said funds were tight but I can't eat bad food, I'd bought those bare naked noodles to try that are only 1sp a packet, there's a reason for that I realised, they're not great!  They might be okay if you covered them with a strong tomato sauce but with a delicate sauce, nope sorry not for me.  Instead with had a tuna mayo toastie to use up the white bread my brother bought when we had fish and chips Christmas eve.  I used to love white bread but give me a slice of seeded brown these days, much tastier.

After I'd given the kitchen a good clean, I spent some time yesterday looking at what I had in my cupboards and freezer and working some meals out from them.  I also found some delicious meals in February's Weight Watcher mag and the new Smart cookbook that I want to try, my first being pork and apricot burgers in the book and chicken and mango kebabs or on page 75 there's a pancake with a creamy mushroom and leek filling but instead of the pancake, I'm going to use a WW wrap as they're in my cupboard.  I think I might be feeling have my cooking mojo returning!

So today's recipe that I've repointed is;

Bangers and mash with onion gravy
Serves 4, 9sp each
Takes 15 minutes to prepare, 30 minutes to cook

low fat cooking spray
4 medium onions, sliced thinly
1 kg (2 lb 4 oz) potatoes, peeled and chopped roughly (21pp)
8 Weight Watchers thin low fat sausages (12pp)
100 ml (31/2 fl oz) skimmed milk (1pp)
600 ml (1 pint) vegetable stock
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Spray a large saucepan with the low fat cooking spray and then add the onions and stir. Season and cover with a piece of baking parchment and then cover the pan so the onions are sealed. Cook over a very low heat for 30 minutes, or until the onions are soft and starting to brown.  Meanwhile put the potatoes into a large pan of boiling, lightly salted water and boil for 20-30 minutes, until tender when you insert the point of a knife.   Meanwhile preheat the oven to Gas Mark 6/200°C/fan oven 180°C and cook the sausages for 25 minutes.  Drain the potatoes and mash them with the milk and seasoning.  Keep warm.  Finish the gravy by removing the lid and the paper from the onions and adding the stock and Worcestershire sauce. Bring to the boil and simmer on a high heat for a few minutes or until thickened, then serve with the bangers and mash, allowing two sausages per person.

It wasn't supposed to be that one, I plan on working through the website in order and I thought I had bacon and onion mash ;-) that's what happens when you do it at 5am.  So that can be tomorrows now as I need to go get ready for work.  Bangers and mash does sound good though, maybe it was the universe sending me inspiration. 

Here's to a fantastic day, staying on track, finding the smile moments and acknowledging all the good things you do BeYOUtiful. Xx

Don't put off getting back on track for another week to 'get your head in the right place' it doesn't happen, it just delays you getting back on the road to success. 

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