Wednesday 18 November 2015

Because it works!

18th November 2015
Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't.  Steve Maraboli
That feeling when you get a member to goal who's been hacking away at their weight for a few years is wonderful, especially when that last 3lb has evaded them for weeks and they lose it in one week :) Yep that's what happened last night when Trudy reached her goal, 3 stone in total lost since she started and one very happy lady sat in my meeting, that really is what it's all about, helping a member achieve and get to where they want to be.  That's 67 of my members that have achieved their final goal this year, 288 have reached their 5% weight loss, 66 their 10% and I have ordered that many 25lb, 50lb, 75lb and 100lb certificates I've lost count, but the total weight loss count for this year on my scales so far is 20,865.1lb or 1,491 stone, hell yeah Weight Watchers works!

And we're not stopping because it's nearing Christmas, last week 404lb was lost by my members, yesterday 109lb, we're doing this, those who aren't losing are working damn hard to maintain or limit those gains.  It's realism, we're amazing, fun people who like to have a good time so we're not going to be angels all the time, we're going to live it up and we're allowed to because we know how to get back to the healthy the day after.

I had a simple eating day yesterday, breakfast was egg and beans on toast, lunch was Tandoori butternut squash soup and for tea I wanted mash and gravy again but didn't want to wait so I microwaved a jacket, dry fried some mushrooms and made a bit of bisto, mmm I love that kind of comfort food. 

I need to go take some meat out of the freezer as I keep forgetting, actually I'll go do it now, back in a minute.

Chicken it is then, a bag of breasts I bought when they were in the reduced section, gonna make a casserole (just need to get some carrots) and a curry mmm, nom nom, that'll be the rest of my working week sorted!

We were talking in the meeting yesterday about the winter blues, I think we all get them a little, some worse than others and we were discussing ways to lift our spirits.  One suggested was to book a holiday or plan something you can look forward too.  I like this idea so will be doing it today, I'm going to book a day spa for me and one of my besties, I can't make her hen weekend so this will be the next best thing.  I'm quite excited now, it's too easy to get stuck in a rut, and stay home in front of the tv, which I'm guilty of !  I'm more than content staying home, chilling out but I know if I make the effort to get out and do something, I'll enjoy that too.  I'm thinking we should end the day with afternoon tea or a meal depending on what time it'll end!

There are cheaper ways of lifting your spirits, activity is the obvious one, if you can get out and go for a half hour walk that will really blow away the cobwebs and re-energise and lift your spirits, I actually need to practice what I'm preaching here!

Right I'm off, cuppa to make, someone else's cat to feed - rock and roll lifestyle going on here and I love it.  Have a healthy & happy day BeYOUtiful, focus on the good stuff, it's there if you look.

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