Tuesday 8 September 2015

Find time for you!

8th September 2015
The one thing you can control is how you treat yourself.  And that one thing can change everything. 

I had a really productive day yesterday which surprised me as usually after a get together with my bestie I just chill out and do nothing all day.  Instead I packed in loads, including 2 dog walks (they weren't long but we went out). 

Took mom to the dentist on the morning to sort her crown out, it had fallen out over the weekend, once that was done she came to do our food shopping with me.  When we got back I finished off sorting the freezer as I'd left it defrosting, I'd also already put a chicken casserole in the slow cooker before we left, so dinner was sorted.

Once the kitchen was sorted, I did the bit of painting in the garden my brother had left me the task of doing, then mom and I sat out there for a bit enjoying some sunshine and a well deserved cuppa.

Then I spent some more time in the kitchen, I made a delicious soup, I have potatoes that need using up, as I bought too many for my demonstration in meetings last week! This is the soup I made, I do like garlic;

Roasted Garlic, Shallot and Potato Soup
Serves: 4, 3pp per serving or F&H

6 clove(s) Garlic   
285 g Shallots   
5 spray(s) Calorie controlled cooking spray   
500 g Potatoes, Raw, peeled and chopped   
1 cube(s) Vegetable stock cubes, make up 950ml with hot water (I used 2 cubes)
1 pinch Salt, and black pepper, freshly ground   
Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 6/200°C/fan oven 180°C/400°F. Place the garlic cloves on a large square of foil. Add 2 tsp of water and some salt and pepper. Bring the foil together to make a little parcel, then roast for 10-15 minutes.
Meanwhile, reserve 2 shallots and chop the rest. Put the chopped shallots into a large saucepan with three sprays of low fat cooking spray. Cook gently, without browning, for 3-4 minutes. Add the potatoes and vegetable stock. Squeeze the pulp from the roast garlic and add to the pan. Cook for a further 15 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender.
Puree the mixture with a hand blender or in a food processor until smooth. Return to the saucepan and season to taste. Reheat.
To garnish, slice the reserved shallots and fry them in a non-stick frying pan with a couple of sprays of low fat cooking spray, until golden brown. Arrange on top of the soup.

Notes; To peel shallots easily, put them into a heatproof bowl and cover them with boiling water. Leave them for a few minutes, then peel them

After making the soup, I made a cottage pie type dish too, so we have dinner prepared for today, I think I'll cover and freeze the other one and have it next week.  The mixture tasted delicious, I just used a 2 onions, 2 carrots, 500g x 5% beef mince, 3 beef oxos made into stock and 3/4 tin chopped tomatoes and topped it with mash.  Really tasty and would be equally as nice with brown spaghetti as mash.

I didn't quite hit my 10,000 steps on the fitbit, although I could've done as I'd had it recharging for the first 2 hours of my day, so maybe I did!  It just wasn't showing, but I'll take just under 9,000 steps for a Monday and 3pp earned.  As I'm doing Filling & Healthy this week, anything I can earn will mean I can enjoy a sly glass of red which I did before retiring to bed early. 

So I realised and I posted on my timeline last night, if it's important to you, you will find a way.  If not, you'll find an excuse because nobody is too busy, it's just a matter of priorities.  We all have 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week, if we can't find some time in that to take care of yourself and do the things we love, then we really do need to reassess our lives. 

I'm aware the last month has been consumed by work for me but I knew it was short term and I'd get the balance back, I was setting up a new meeting and getting stuff done.  Now I've got that time back, I'll refocus on me and the things I enjoy and need to do.  One of them being taking time for cooking so I enjoy my weight loss journey, focusing on those filling & healthy foods.  I only bought fresh ingredients yesterday, I'll know exactly what's gone in my meals because I'll have cooked them.

Also this weekend will be all about my garden (wanna bet it rains!), I want to get me some bulbs planted, I've had an idea for some hanging plants, thinking ivy and bulbs to add a bit of autumn leaf colour then snowdrops and crocus at head height so you can see them well. See I love to eat but I also love to garden, I enjoy a good walk too, so I'm going to fit a good one of them in too as I really enjoyed the walk on Sunday, although I prefer it when there aren't 400+ people in front and behind you!

Okay I'm off, starting day 1, week 2 of my journal, this one will make much prettier, healthier on track reading, enjoyed my first day of Filling & Healthy yesterday and knowing what's in my fridge, I'm looking forward to the rest of the week following it.  

Whatever you're doing, make sure you find for the important things in your life #OnlyGetOneLifeBeYOUtiful, make sure you make the most of it. This day will never happen again, make it a great one!

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