Wednesday 2 September 2015

Change can be BeYOUtiful!

2nd September 2015

Don't just be good to others, be good to yourself too!

Yesterday was not only the first of September but also the first day of Autumn, how many signs do I need that it's time to turn over a new leaf, well there was one more, the Weight Watcher journals are half price in meetings, so that was it, I bought one, I worked out if I start a new 12 week journal now, it'll take me to the beginning of December just in time to look amazing for the big C event!  For me it usually starts at the beginning of the month, not on the 25th!

So back to the journal, I’ve always been a bit of a commitment phobic, and I know that it's a running joke with my members that I've NEVER completed a 12 week journal, so I was thinking how could I make sure I do?  What could I use to motivate me to do it.  Maybe make it a sponsored event!  Only joking!  But you know what, you only fail when you stop trying, so here I go again, new journal, new term, looking for an A grade but I'll settle for a B! I started it on Monday, so I've already completed day one, only another 83 to go. 

I'm not aiming for perfection, this time it's all about persistence, I know I still have a KFC to get out of my system so at some point that's going to be on there!  Plus it's my meeting open on Saturday, we're doing the sponsored walk on Sunday and me and my bestie are having our first sleepover in forever Sunday night so KFC could be very likely part of this weekend at some point, I won't rest until it's out of my system, I've wanted it for over a month now! 

What I'm hoping it will do is make me aware of my habits and help me improve them, yesterday I finished on 36 including wine.  My main meal was an incredible 15pp, that number needs to be lowered, I'm just working my way through the cupboards and freezers and there are things that are a little higher in ProPoints in there, so if I'd thought about it a little more, instead of chicken thigh in my curry yesterday, I'd have had chicken breast for less ProPoints, instead of brown rice, I could've made cauliflower rice.  I'm aiming on veering towards Filling & Healthy once my cupboards and freezer is bare, but I really do need to make use of everything to hand first.  August is a quiet month in my meetings because of all the holidays so the purse will be bare on pay day, if my members don't get weighed - I don't get paid!

Yep September is going to be the month, I track every day, attempt to move more and focus on getting closer to my daily allowance EVERY day not just Monday!   Change is good and I'm going to embrace it, never season, new month, new meeting, new journal - ooo it's all new, tis good.

I really enjoyed tomatoes on toast for my tea last night, only 5pp and absolutely delicious, they were fresh tomatoes that needed to be used, at the end of them cooking, I grated 1pp of low fat cheese into them and that made them truly lush, I didn't need spread on my toast either.

Thinking of my kitchen contents, I've decided that if there's anything in them that is just too high in ProPoints to justify, I won't use it, luckily there won't be I don't think.  But think about it, if you know there are things in your cupboards that won't help your weight loss, junk food etc - get rid, if you don't like waste, don't think of it as wasted, it was already rubbish when you bought it!  Where is the waste bin after all, up the corner in your kitchen, or your stomach, turning your waistband into a WASTEband!  If you really can't bare to throw food away, there are foodbanks locally, drop it off there, they'll be glad of it!

Yeah I'm on day 2 of my journal, I've just drunk my pint of water and I'm going to nip downstairs to plan my meals for the day, whilst I pour me another pint of water, that's be a litre drunk then.

Have a great day BeYOUtiful, remember planning is likely to get you more success than crossing your fingers and hoping for the best!

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