Tuesday 11 August 2015

You don't need to eat less for success!

11th August 2015
Our reaction to a situation literally has the power to change the situation itself. 
So yesterday was a successful food day, have you noticed Monday's usually are!  Well this week I'm going to make sure every day is, so today with be track it Tuesday and I've got some fishcakes defrosting in the fridge that will be lunch, I'm also defrosting some cooked salmon which I can use at tea time.  It's all under control!

One thing I realised yesterday was that I've not got to eat less for success but I've got to eat more of the good stuff, so my breakfast didn't look all that great but it filled me up and took me to dinner time, I had scrambled eggs (5pp) with courgette and tomatoes in to bulk it out, I also had a huge orange which was delicious. 

Eating what's in season really helps too because it's more likely to taste its best and remember what grows together in the garden usually goes together in the kitchen.  For lunch we had a jacket potato (5pp) with leftover meatballs (4pp) from the day before and again I bulked the sauce out with spring onions and mushrooms, that was tasty. 

I nipped to get a few things from Co-op at tea time, by going there I didn't do a huge shop which I was just too shattered to do, I'd worked at my pc all day and just wanted to chill out by then.  I did what you shouldn't do, went hungry and tired, but instead of succumbing to the junk, I treated myself to a jar of asparagus - I love it but it's so expensive!  Ate it straight from the jar as soon as I got home - weird I know.

For tea I cooked 4 Heck chicken sausages and chopped them up, served them with stir fried courgettes, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers and 1/2 packet of sweet chilli and lime microwave rice, it was really filling for 8pp. 

Just goes to show with a bit of thought you can bring your meals down in ProPoints to fit your daily allowance.  I also managed to easily get my five a day;

Red Pepper
Red & Yellow Tomato
Spring Onions

So here's to a week of healthy and happy, drinking my water, eating my healthy food and steering clear of the foods that take me off track, our house is a bread free zone at the moment, I won't be able to not have bread for long because mom enjoys a sandwich, I just need to resist temptation for a couple of days, break that habit AGAIN!

Waking up in the dark this morning reminded me that it's getting closer to Autumn - boo!  Also that I get up at silly o'clock of course but I've slept like a log and we went early too which is definitely another way of keeping me out of the kitchen.

Right I'm off to start my day, I've got lots of members to weigh that are surviving the summer and losing at the scales, I'm planning on joining them, still on course for my silver seven for September #WWS7Sept, are you?  Have a great day BeYOUtiful.

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