Friday 14 August 2015

Track it first!

14th August 2015
You have to have been through it in order to understand it!

Do you ever have one of those morning where you try everything on and it either looks crap or doesn't fit?  I had one of those Wednesday!  Didn't half help to keep me on track for the rest of the day, I can tell ya!  Now to remind myself of that experience when I'm tempted to blow it and think sod it...

I've been fancying a KFC for weeks now and it seems a least one member a meeting confesses to induling in one lately, maybe I'm just noticing more.  So instead of just going and getting a bucket on my way home I decided to check the ProPoints first and track it on my to check how much it was going to cost me, well that worked, I didn't bother buying it!  I'll wait until I've lost my half stone and got that silver seven. 

I never come out with anything less than a bucket, it'll either be a bargain bucket or a family bucket (who needs a family to share it with!), I will share whatever I buy with mom and Alfie but still, those buckets come with a minimum of 4 chips, mom would have one, Alfie doesn't eat chips and I don't like waste much so I'm eating at least 2 packs, they're 9pp each pack!  Now the family feast comes with 2 large sides and I'll always have the corn but that's 4 of them cobettes and they're 2pp each so that's 9pp because they round up if you eat all of them!  Then there's the chicken, with the family feast you can have 6 or 10, well I went on their website and worked out the ProPoints for the different pieces;

Keel 7pp  (this is the bit attached to the breast bone)
Drumstick 5pp
Thigh 8pp
Rib 9pp
Wing 5pp

On a positive, my fav pieces are the drumstick and wing, on a negative I'll eat whatever's left in the box after mom and Alfie have enjoyed a bit, so they average out at 7pp a piece thereabouts, so if I have then 10 piece (which I would because I have KFC tourettes where I think one thing and order the other loudly and quickly like I'm possessed.  I reckon I end up with 6pp, I may be defeated and they might last a couple of meals but they're still being eaten and still have the same ProPoints so let's do a quick reckon up;

2 fries 17pp
4 corn 9pp
6 portions of chicken average 7pp = 42pp
TOTAL 68pp!

And if I had the family feast you can have a 14 piece one, that would be another extra 4 pieces (28pp).  On a positive I'd always order diet coke - I'm on a diet ain't I!

SO yeah I talked myself out of it for now, I did end on 50pp yesterday, I'll take that, there was wine involved and I did spend the entire day trying not to eat, I reckon it was because I was tired and subconsciously your body is telling you to eat for energy and to eat the high sugar stuff to give you a boost.  I enjoyed a slice of bread and homemade jam (supplied by one of my members, gooseberry and orange - very nice).  Had tandoori salmon with mash and home grown kale (another wonderful member supplied that) for my main meal, cinnamon bagel and banana for brekkie again which is lovely but I think I needed more than 3pp for breakfast yesterday, just didn't have the time to think about it and that might have been another reason I was hungry all morning, so when I got home at lunchtime I was proper hungry and couldn't wait for my dinner to cook. 

I also succumbed to a packet of the Fish & Chip snacks pickled onion flavour, I'd resisted them the day before and needed to try them to get them out my system, I have, they're nothing special, it's more a memory of a time with those snacks than the actual flavour of the food in the bag, I have no desire to eat another bag.

But it's a good lesson in, don't buy what you think you can resist - you usually can't which is why I'm a Weight Watcher!

Feeling good and positive heading into the weekend, I even have a few weeklies left. 

Here's to Friday, staying on track, ignoring the rain, seeing a great sky as silver and I'm going to have smoked haddock for breakfast which will keep me going till this afternoon when I'll have...... to be decided I thinks, might prepare whatever I decide on before I go for my massage though so it's ready as I know when I get back I won't fancy cooking. 

Have a great day BeYOUtiful.

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