Friday 28 August 2015

Starting my day off slowly...

28th August 2015
When you don't have to be careful what you say, that's when you know you're with the right people.

Well I survived my long day, I left the house house at half seven yesterday morning and got back at eight last night, I was tireder than a tired person on tired tablets by the time I got back but I stayed on track.  Cooked my eggs before leaving and bought a loaf from the Tesco express, also bought raspberries and a banana and ate them in the car before going into my meeting.  When I got home I had the spinach curry I'd taken out of the freezer ready, I served it in a giant yorkshire pudding, I'm naming it an Indiglish, a 'fusion' of the best of both worlds, the yorkie replaced a nann bread and made use of the contents of my freezer, it's going down, it'll be empty soon enough, then I shall defrost it and start filling it up again with fruit and veg and healthy stuff.  Biryani today I think, that'll make a bit more space in the freezer, from memory I think it's 10pp a serving.

Not only did I get to spend the day with my awesome members, I also spent 2 hours in a meeting with colleagues who inspire, there's nothing better, I came out my mind buzzing with ideas and thinking about what I could do, now that's why I love to spend time with like-minded people and why I enjoy going to my meetings and that's how I hope my members leave feeling.

I was still awake at half four this morning, but I'll have no rush in me today, I shall take my time to get though all the paperwork from yesterday and the day before, I've also got a bit of a project to do after my meeting so I'll make a relaxed start on that.  I'm mostly looking forward to a long bath then some with my mom before a very early night, so that I'm refreshed and ready for delivering my flyers for my new meeting open next weekend, I'm so looking forward to my new open, I've bought bunting and everything :), I've got me a great team of helpers ready and it's gonna be another meeting full of awesome folk!

I wrote this post in my Facebook group this week,
Finish this sentence...
I need to make my meetings and my weight loss a priority because....
It's really worth taking a moment to think about the response, I loved some of the replies I read, and it shows that we all have our own reasons for losing weight, it's a very personal journey, although we share elements of that journey with others, only we truly know why it's important to us.

Facebook is a difficult place to have certain conversations, face to face discussions work better because you have more than the words as part of it, there's the body language and facial expressions that makes a massive difference to communication, written word only can be misleading and taken in the wrong way.  One person might see taking a 24/7 approach to something as 'obsessive' whereas another sees it as "dedicated".  When a 'debate' or 'discussion' starts, my personal approach is there is no right or wrong, we all have our own values, beliefs and ways, you may not agree with them but that doesn't give you the right to tell someone it's wrong. 

I love that we're all different, I have my own opinions but I'm always happy to hear others, and sometimes they lead me to change my views - it's called learning!  Be open to learning, be careful how you word things, think about the different people who might be reading what you've wrote and BeYOUtiful. xx

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