Thursday 6 August 2015

Here's to a good day...

6th August 2015
Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times.

I had wonderful news yesterday, two of member members Ben and Helen had a gorgeous baby girl, 6lb 5oz, she's a proper little miracle as they didn't think they could have a baby, just goes to show losing weight, improving health all contributes.  They both look so happy and Helen looks as BeYOUtiful as ever even after childbirth.  A nicer couple you couldn't wish to meet.

Well I ate out for lunch yesterday, the Essington Fruit farm do a mean beef dinner!  20pp of I didn't need to eat anything else later!  I'm really enjoying the cinnamon & raisin bagel with a banana on I have to say, makes a nice breakfast.  I did still sit and eat a chunk of cheese for tea though, that's what happens when you walk round the shop after your lunch and spot a tasty cheese section!  7pp of cheese and I had it on one of those bagels, the sweet and savoury worked well and my day ended on 33pp, could've been worse. 

I have no idea how I'm surviving afternoon tea on Saturday but I won't go silly and i'll have a light breakfast, or maybe I'll eat a big dish of fruit, bought me some more oranges, I'm liking them.

Now I've just realised I've no meat defrosted or meals planned for today but I really fancy baked beans today, so I might have those on toast for lunch, mmm yeah, if I got a low calories brown bread loaf I could consider F&H today.  I'm fancying eggs at some point as well, good simple food today I reckon, especially as it's my busy day and I'm short on helpers so even busier but at least I'll earn more activity ProPoints loading my car.

What can I eat?  That's a sentence I hear a lot from members and the truth is you can eat anything that's within your allowance.  I know sometimes though we struggle to think of ideas, that's why it's good to look on facebook or the internet for ideas and to talk to others in meetings.  Very often I'll hear someone say I've had ....... and I think mmm, I'm must try that. 

It's good to walk round the supermarket with your calculator looking for ideas, take a marker pen with you so that when you work out the ProPoints on a food if you plan on buying it, you can write the ProPoints in the tin/packet there and then so you don't have to do it again when you get home!

Experiment, be brave, be adventurous, make your meals interesting and tasty and then share your ideas. 

I need to stay away from the supermarkets for a week or so and use up some of the foods I already have!  Other than fresh, I really need to get using what's in my cupboards - right that's this week's challenge to do just that, make use of what I have, I obviously bought it because I wanted to eat it, so eat it I will!

On that note, I'm off for a shower, I've got to be out the house by half seven, it's my silly early start.  Here's to a great day, to staying on track, to that silver 7 by September.  We can do this BeYOUtiful.

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