Friday 24 July 2015

Love eating I do!

24th July 2015
Decide what you want, write it down, make a plan & then work on it every single day!

How to be happy, wake up every morning and decide to be in a good mood, you don't find a happy life you know, you make it!  As I drove home last night I remember thinking to myself, I'm happy with my lot, I love the life I've created for myself and I'm very, very content.  This thought come to me because I was listening to a song on the radio called 'miserable', it made me smile, the chorus was "You try to tell me you want happiness, But you ain't happy unless you're miserable"  I smiled because I'd mentioned a mood hoover in my meeting talk, you know the kind of person, as the song says, she ain't happy unless she's got something to moan about, in all the years I've known her, I've never seen her happy, even when she smiles she looks glum, it's as if she resents smiling.  If she's not telling me it's her 'time of the month', it'll be 3 weeks away from her time of month!  Why do people enjoy being unhappy, I don't get that at all.  I'm all about the giggles, don't get me wrong, my life ain't rosey and sometimes I'll have a face on me like a smacked bum but I try my hardest to get out of that mood asap.

Anyway, let's change the subject away from the mood hoover, or we'll end up trapped in that world.  So I've just loved my meetings this week, there have been a lot of laughs and I believe if you're having a laugh, enjoying each others company and sharing a common goal, you are so much more likely to get where you want to be and have weight loss success.

We've shared ideas and tips and one of the simplest solutions for tracking came from one of my members Wednesday night, Laura told me she'd stopped tracking on her app and instead had her tracker on the side in the kitchen constantly, this meant she always knew where it was and others could see it too!  Mmm well I realised yesterday morning as I was preparing my breakfast that 95% of the food I eat is put together in my kitchen, so that's the best place to keep my tracker too!  I'm not going to worry about it being untidy, I'm going to use it for my workings out too, so it's a proper working notepad with my tracker in it, not a posh pad that looks pretty but isn't getting used.

Really enjoyed my food yesterday, egg & mushrooms on crumpet for brekkie, a nice filling & healthy breakfast or 5pp. 

For lunch I cooked 60g of wholewheat spaghetti (6pp), meanwhile I dry fried some mushrooms and courgette thinly sliced julienne style, added 1pp of wafer thin ham and half tin of Bachelors condensed chicken soup (2pp), so again all except the soup sauce was F&H.   
For tea I dry fried some sliced up tinned potatoes (4pp) and left over peas (1pp) and had it with gammon (6pp), if I'd cut the fat off the gammon, that mean would have been F&H too.  Delicious all of it!

Love eating I do ;)

On that note, I'm going to check the cupboards to see what I can eat today, have a fabulous Friday BeYOUtiful, remember we make our own happiness, so go do that.

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