Monday 6 July 2015

It's Monday! Grab some coffee & be awesome...

6th July 2015
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.  J R R Tolkien

Moms birthday today so I shall be waiting on her hand and foot and doing the washing up, that's usually her first task of the day, we're mucky pups and don't clear up before going to bed!  Then unless she wants to go somewhere, we'll potter around the house and garden doing whatever we fancy.

I spent a few hours on the morning yesterday doing paperwork and a stock take for work, so that clear up of my stock put me in a doing mood.  Then my brother nipped round to bring moms pressie and we chatted about my garden which gave me more ideas.  Once he'd gone I started clearing out my garden shed and of course once I'd completely emptied it, the heavens opened and it wasn't just a shower!  Hey ho, got there in the end, sheds all tidy and lovely, I could actually use it as a potting shed now I've made some decent space in there, next plan is a greenhouse but I'm torn between buying one or making my own version!   I really do enjoy spending time out there, but that stops in the winter because of the weather and lack of outdoor gardening to be done, so a greenhouse and potting shed could be the solution.  It's a way of getting me active and giving me a hobby too because as much as I like eating, I have to remember it isn't a hobby!

Now when I was doing my paperwork yesterday, I was really impressed with the success the Saturday morning meeting had this week, 2 x 5% awards, 3 x 10% awards and one to goal.  Getting members to goal is one of the highlights of the job and last week was no exception, firstly it was Angie who was just thrilled and I think is still on cloud nine at the result, she also sent me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers which was very unexpected and lovely.  Angie has lots of health problems so achieving her goal hasn't been easy but I know she'll agree it really has changed her life.  Then on Saturday Susan got there too, this made my day because I bumped into Susan on Sainsbury's car park back in March, she used to be a member of mine but unfortunately stopped attending because she had so much on and couldn't make the days my meetings were on.  We got chatting and she told me she really needed to do something but couldn't get to my meetings, I told her I'd just finished my temporary Saturday meeting and she could maybe come there as she was already out the house on this Saturday morning!  It worked, 13 weeks later, 20lb lighter and she's now at goal and we shall now be working on the maintenance side, she looks fabulous and feels so much better now.  It is worth the effort and making time for yourself.

Yes I'm absolutely loving the success in my meetings, 13,673.5lb lost (976.7 stone) 179 x 5% certificates, 74 x 10% certificates and an amazing 36 members achieving their goal.  Saturday I started handing out those 25lb certificates and will continue doing that this week, well over 200 of my members have achieved that weight loss already, just brilliant.

So believe in yourselves, you can do this, make the most of this sunshine and get outdoors and do stuff, get away from the food!

Have a happy Monday BeYOUtiful. xx

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