Friday 15 May 2015

Share the happy!

15th May 2015
Don't you dare, for one second surround yourself with people who are not aware of the greatness that you are!

Yesterday I had a lovely young lady promoting SWEAT UNION a new gym in Walsall which does look really good and you can go have a free session.  It reminded me that exercise is great for better health, it's not the answer for weight loss though, that's sorted out in the kitchen!  Weight loss is 95% what you eat!  You can't just get on a treadmill for 30 minutes a day and think you've done enough, you've got to move more throughout the day, walking to the shop for the newspaper, cleaning your own car, doing your own washing up rather than using a machine.  Finding fun ways to move more, you can't beat a walk round the block with your bestie having a natter, or maybe dancing on a Saturday night instead of sitting in a restaurant.  However the gym does look good and if that's a way to get you taking some time out for you, then why not give it a go!  I'm sticking with my walk when I have the time, I can do that straight from my front door and it doesn't have to take a couple of hours out of my day.

It's been a great week in my meetings and last night was extra good because Louise achieved her goal, losing 5 stone and she gets married next week in Cyprus, how fab is that!  Equally as wonderful was my BeYOUtiful member who's really struggled to lose weight or even focus on it this year, this week she lost 2lb and managed to do my water challenge, the smile on her face and the twinkle in her eyes made my heart smile, it's been a long time since I saw that side of her and it was so good to see it back.  Life gets in the way sometimes and for this lovely lady it really did, losing someone in your life is tough, when it's your soulmate well.....  I don't need to explain that one I don't think and it's been a really difficult time, so to see her smiling genuinely and that sparkle back was just incredible.  Weight loss might be my members goal but to see them happy and healthy is my mission because I know that weight loss usually becomes a side effect of changing the way we feel.   She lost 2lb this week not just because she'd drunk more water but because she'd realised if she takes life one day at a time, she'll be ok.

I posted a video of my mom on Facebook yesterday,,  I actually posted quite a few, there are swear words in it so don't watch if you're easily offended.  Anyway I posted it because she makes people giggle with the things that she says, however on this occasion the one thing people picked up on was that she said "I love my life", and she does, as do I.  It really is my goal in life, if I was a business it would be my Mission Statement, "To be healthy and happy and love my life", we're not here long enough to NOT love our life.

My mom is lucky I guess because she doesn't have to worry about anything, it doesn't stop her as worrying is her hobby, but she doesn't have any money worries or stresses as I do all that.  So some would say it's okay for her to love her life!  I have to do all the money and boring life stuff and I love my life too, so lack of stress and hassle isn't why we love our life, we love it because we've created lives we want to live, we've simplified them and only do what we want to do.  We live in the praise of slow in our lives, obviously I don't where works concerned but everything else is all about the slow.

If you enjoyed watching moms video, feel free to add me as a Facebook friend, I often post the things that she says and little videos, she makes me smile and apparently everyone else, it's good to share the funny, we'll keep the not so funny to ourselves :) xx

Have a great day, oh one last thing, yesterday I received two really, really lovely compliments, they made my day because they were genuine and meaningful, so today make an effort to pay people compliments, even if it's something as simple as your dress is pretty.  It's nice to be nice, it's good to make people feel good about themselves, it's wonderful to make people smile, one of my members did that via a text on my way home too.  Life's all about taking care of each other, sharing the love and happiness, lifting each other's spirits.  We know there's a lot to cope with from the 'reality' side of it, but for today let's focus on the happy BeYOUtiful.

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