Thursday 28 May 2015

Food is and will always be one of my passions!

28th May 2015
You can always take the easy way out and give up, but real strength comes when you decide to keep pushing forward, no matter what the circumstances are.

So the new Weight Watcher cook book arrived yesterday, five and under, that means I could have 4 meals a day and a glass of wine and still lose weight - BOOM!  Having seen a leader post the butternut and cauliflower cakes on her wall, I need them in my life, plus they're zero ProPoints which is always a seller!  Having had a quick look through I fancy the bacon & butternut bubble and squeak, apple & pear brown betty, curried soup, creamy mushrooms on toast, cooked breakfast and I definitely fancy the 7 minute naan's!  Then there's the red lentil Dhal, the best turkey burgers, smoky chicken in a pot, oh I need to stop looking it's making me want to go eat!

Talking eating, I'm also really impressed with the spice tailor range of curry sauces, they're not cheap at £2.95 a pack but they are delicious and very authentic, they really do taste like something you'd have from the takeaway, I tried the original tikki massala (13pp for the packet, serves 2-3) and I was very, very impressed which I'm usually not when I buy premade jars in a shop.  I added Quorn too and it wasn't bad at all, mom enjoyed it too which is always a bonus.   Although I think my stomach is starting to protest over all the spices I've had the last few days, so maybe I'll calm it down today with nice simple foods.

Yeah I'll take a bit of fish out the freezer this morning I think, we can have that for lunch, have it with some quinoa.  That's a nice simple, quick meal, maybe some chargrilled Mediterranean vegetables.  Mmm nom nom, food it's just delicious isn't it.  That's what we're talking about in meetings this week, what is it you love most about food!  It's more than just the taste, it's so much more.  For me food and eating is a whole experience, I love thinking about it and planning what I'm going to have (I've just realised I've been missing out on this part of it lately, so I think I'll get the old cookbooks out at the weekend and do a bit of planning, get inspired with new ideas.  After planning it, I love the shopping experience too, I find it a calming experience and go into my own little world, one of the reasons I love it is because I get an added satisfaction out of the fact I can afford to buy food at this time in my life, I remember times when I couldn't and times when my mom couldn't so being about to walk around a supermarket and not stress over how much I'm putting in the trolley is an incredible feeling - easily pleased ain't I!  After shopping I get more satisfaction from putting it away in the cupboards and seeing them full, and of course giving Alfie his treat and showing mom the scrumptious food we've got to look forward too, although she just indulges me because she's only interested in the cake and crisps, she doesn't share my delight in what she calls 'proper' food!  Finally we get to the preparation, that's another enjoyable experience and eventually the eating of the food - yep food and eating is a very satisfying experience for me - no wonder I struggle with my weight!

So what is it you love about eating?  Think on that, is it the taste, the smells, the sounds, the look, what about the touch?  Is it the social aspect or the memories that eating evokes.  What's your favourite comfort food and why?  I'm really enjoying hearing my members responses to this questions and also loving hearing how they've managed to still enjoy all that comfort food and still lose weight!

So there's some food for thought - pardon the pun.  Have a great day BeYOUtiful, take care of you. xx

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