Saturday 30 May 2015

Can't beat a slow start to the day!

30th May 2015
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou

Mmm, perfect start to a day, lay in bed thinking about getting up for ten minutes then went downstairs fed the not my cat, got me a glass of water and now I'm sat eating a bowl of freshly picked strawberries typing my blog.  Love not rushing I do!

Yesterday was a good day too, after a morning of paperwork I nipped along to the fruit farm and picked those strawberries myself, I did enjoy it, twenty minutes of stretching and crawling under the rows trying to find the best ones.  It wasn't until I'd got to my car that I realised I'd made a right mess of my nice shoes, they weren't the kind of shoes for that kind of work!  Oops.

I'm looking forward to them opening the fields, so I can start picking my own fruit and vegetables this summer, nothing tastes better than freshly picked food. 

I cooked chicken tikka masala for tea last night, I do like that Spice Tailor range, it was delicious.  Today though I think I need something lighter in my diet, I'm thinking fish, get me some omega 3 in my life!   Variety is the spice of life they say, so I'm ready for a little variety because I've had a lot of spice this last week, don't want to get repetitive and boring now do I!

I've got a cauliflower that needs cooking so maybe cauliflower rice or I've still not tried roasting one, so today might have to be that day!  


Spiced roasted cauliflower

1 large head of cauliflower, broken into florets
2tsp ground cumin
2tsp ground coriander
2tbsp olive oil (8pp)
Freshly ground black pepper.

Preheat the oven to 180oC/Gas 6.

Put cauliflower into a roasting dish with spices and oil, mix together until well coated.  Roast in oven for 30 minutes, stirring halfway through, then serve.

That'd be nice with a bit of baked cod I reckon!

What chance do I have of ever being slim, when I'm thinking about food from 5am :) At least these days I have a 'to eat' list so that I can plan to eat all those lovely foods another day and don't try to get them all into one day! 

Here's to a wonderful weekend, rain or shine let's make it a good one BeYOUtiful.

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