Wednesday 22 April 2015

I'll restart as many times as I need to for the rest of my life!

22nd April 2015
Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles.  Notice them!

After reading an email just as I was about to go to bed, my mind was buzzing with ideas and I couldn't get to sleep, must remember not to look at emails once I get back from work in future as I'm a bit tired now!   On a positive I have a list of ideas for when I get a minute.

"Practice what you preach!"  A member said that to me yesterday morning and it's stuck, I've just read a comment in my group from a member who hasn't tracked for two weeks, saying she was going to restart on weigh day and another member commented, 'why wait, start tomorrow' and I nodded and agreed, then realised I haven't tracked for two weeks either and I need to restart today too!  So that's the plan, as I got cocky Monday losing 1/2lb, I'd been well over on my ProPoints allowance, I knew that even without tracking and I still managed a loss.  My subconscious has been playing the 'how far can we push that then do you reckon, before the scales shows a gain?"  Ain't the mind a clever place, well my conscious self this morning is acknowledging what's going on, telling myself I don't wanna find out how far I can push it thank you very much, I shall be getting back on track today and doing damage limitation before my meeting Monday, missing this week because of doctors and dentists etc really hasn't helped, if I could I'd get to another meeting this week but it's just not feasible as I work my meetings at the same time as all the other leaders.  That doesn't mean I'm not getting back on track, I shall be doing a meal plan for the day just like one of my other members inboxed me with, it won't take long this morning and I'll be glad I did come lunchtime! 

See some people might think reading my blogs that I'm always refocusing, restarting whatever you want to call it and yep they'd be right!  That's me, my natural state is lazy, greedy, procrastinator, I find it so easy to sit around doing jack, watching tele and eating, so it takes effort to be bothered to get up and do things, to eat healthy and make wiser food choices.  Why do I bother - because I know when I bother it's great, I enjoy everything I do and eat and how I feel in my mind and body.  Where does Weight Watchers come into all that, well it's my 'go to' place, it's my community where I feel others understand and care.  It's the place where I come aware feeling I'm on the right track, that I can do this and that I'm not weird, I'm actually the norm.  Weight Watchers works because of that group support, that motivation from the leader and other members, being inspired by their success.  I've been 'restarting' every year since I can remember but you know what, I believe that's absolutely normal, take a look outside, doesn't so many things do that every year, the plants have through a cycle just the same where they grow, bloom, fade and rest, yep that's me, I've just come out of the resting phase and I'm back to the grow but not in a physical way obviously :) we'll rename the 'growth' phase 'resize' ;)

So yesterday I made pizza with the base I'd mentioned, this was how it turned out.

 I have no idea why the images have posted sideways, just tilt your head,
 I've got a lot to do this morning :) not got time to mess!

It cost me 14pp, If I'd use passata instead of tomato puree I could have saved a ProPoint, I used 2pp of cheese per pizza, I had to use a cheese slicer as my grater was at the meeting!  It wasn't a bad pizza at all and you could add all sorts of toppings, I realised when I started to make it I didn't have any fresh toppings but managed to find frozen veggies to use, which I defrosted in the microwave first.  

What am I going to eat today?  Mmm, do I do F&H or ProPoints, just nipping downstairs to check the cupboards, if I do it now, there's no excuse!


30g porridge with frozen raspberries 3pp
Milk in porridge and tea all day 5pp

1/3 of Sainsburys Butter basted Turkey joint - 5pp
Swede & 150g potato mash (3pp)
Gravy - 1pp

Smoked haddock 225g 4pp
Poached egg 3pp

Total = 24pp
Leaves me 2pp to play with! 

that took precisely 11 minutes to go downstairs check fridge and cupboards, plan it and write it down.  I need to do that every day!

Right that's me I'm off, if you're on track, awesome 'GO YOU', if you're not, see how quick & easy it is to decide to do a reboot. 

Finish this sentence for me, "I stay to my meetings because..."  Comment it below or inbox me your sentence"

Then think about why you would tell someone else to join a Weight Watcher meeting what will it do for them, then finish this sentence, "Come to a meeting......"  You can send me that too if you would.

Have a great day because you are BeYOUtiful.

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