Thursday 9 April 2015

Don't take your body for granted BeYOUtiful.

9th April 2015
You can't litter negativity everywhere then wonder why you have an unhappy life. Smile more!

We all do it, some more than others but yesterday I realised we should never take our bodies for granted, because it isn't until a part of it stops working properly that you realise how precious it is! 

I can't tell you how wonderful it was to be able to drink a glass of water and eat my delicious lunch yesterday without it hurting!  It was such a relief, this was what I had, garlic flavoured salmon, brown rice and garlic mushrooms and tomatoes, delicious.
So let's all start to take more care of our BeYOUtiful bodies!  Feed it well, move it more, you know the score! 

It turns out tablets could very well have caused my problem, not swallowing them with water!  You should swallow tablets with 200ml of water otherwise they can seriously damage your throat!  Have a read, it's interesting. 

I'm feeling much improved and have decided it's time to get back to filling and healthy, I will be watching my portion sizes but it does mean the food I'll be eating will be good for my stomach and no acid burning foods going down my throat!  On doctors orders I'm cutting back on caffeine and hot drinks, I'll be enjoying more water, after all it's free. Less spicy food too, so it's time to get out the herbs and learn to use them well.

This weekend I plan to set up a 'favourites' shopping list full mostly of filling and healthy foods and set it up on my online supermarket, then I'll go back to online shopping as this will keep me away from all that temptation.

It's got to be done, I need to keep my weight loss success going and I want a healthy body, I'm not a fan of pain and if I can do something to make a difference, then I will.

So do you know that if you made some changes you'd probably feel better for it?  Why aren't you then?

Anyway yesterday, my mate came for lunch, normally I'd work through on a Wednesday but I decided the work could wait because a much needed catch up was about to happen and I'm so glad we did, we enjoyed lunch (cooked by me, so filling & healthy) then had a good chat and a few giggles, we even threw in a walk round the block, it would've been longer but Alfie was having none of it.

She even noticed my tidier house, so my doing a bit of cleaning every day is working, let's hope I can keep it up.  I might tackle my office this Sunday again, it's not too bad though, I'm getting better.

Right really busy day today, no time for lunch with friends but I will make time for a proper lunch because I'm taking care of me.  Make sure you do the same BeYOUtiful, because we are worth it.

And if you were ever in any doubt about the Weight Watcher plan, a report published this week by the Johns Hopkins University that examined 4,200 studies and selected 11 weight loss plans, proved Weight Watchers works and the majority may not!  I already knew that because I've seen the proof.

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