Wednesday 1 April 2015

Cleaning my act up!

1st April 2015
Imagine yourself six months from now.  Don't stop, it will be worth it.

Dieting for me is a bit like cleaning, I put it off because the job just seems too big!  So yesterday I decided that if I can do the one, I can take on the other, therefore I am declaring April, spring cleaning month, my mission as I've chosen to accept it is to do a bit every day, cleaning that is!  Just as weight loss takes time so does cleaning, but the more you do it the easier it gets apparently!  This is not an April Fools Day joke by the way!

The thing with cleaning is I really don't enjoy doing it but I really like having a clean, tidy house, mmm that's a bit like dieting isn't it, I'm not a fan of doing it because I love to eat and find that way easier than practicing portion control, but I do love the affects of losing weight from following the Weight Watcher plan, getting in my jeans, seeing my body go back to a shape I like.  So I'm setting myself a challenge, to clean something every day and that will remind me that I also want to stick to my weight loss efforts and being active will be helping it won't it! 

It may be a bit grim outside and I'm a fair weather walker/gardener so I'll get active indoors, I'm being productive and getting a result at the end of it!

My house is really untidy, we have so much junk!  My mom does her best to keep on top of it all, she does the kitchen every morning and by teatime it's back to how it was, so this really is a GOOD idea!

I'm not going to set myself big massive daily challenges, I'm going to do a little bit each day, it'll prove to me that breaking down a challenge and taking my time gets the same results as rushing through a task! 

My daily challenge might be something as simple as moving the pile of magazines from under my living room chair or I may have the time and energy to clean the bathroom, weekends will be best for that task I reckon, I might do one utility room drawer or tackle the whole thing, no pressure just a bit at a time, and a bit every day.  I will bring you updates, I won't bore you too much I promise, you might even want to join me in my challenge, I've already changed my bedding yesterday so I ended March how I plan to tackle April.  I've just moved that pile of magazines from under my chair too, so that could be today's task, I'll see how I go for time today.

What stops me doing the housework?  Is it time, the fact it ends up messy again or do I just lack the motivation to do it?  Let's see how I feel at the end of the month!  Hopefully it'll make me realise little and often is the key to a tidy home at the same time it'll help me clock up some steps on my fitbit too.

I'm up for an awesome April are you BeYOUtiful?

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