Saturday 14 March 2015

Yay, it's Saturday!

14th March 2015
We worry about tomorrow like it's promised! Make as many great memories as you can because at the end of the day we don't get to decide the ones we get to keep!
Who made it morning!  That went quick, but I'm ready and looking forward to my Saturday morning meeting and of course day 6 on track!  Yeah another day down and in the bag yesterday and I'm really looking forward to a glass or two of red wine tonight and a lie in tomorrow. I still have 32 weeklies left and 14 activity, that'll easily get me through the weekend!  Who knows I may not even touch those weeklies this week, it'll be interesting to step on those scales Monday morning and see the result of my first week back on track and following the plan 100%. 

I've kept my food quite easy and simple to prepare this week to make it easier to follow and I'm glad I did, I've defrosted a chicken which I'm going to skin and pop in the slow cooker this morning so I come home to an already cooked meal, then I can chill out good and proper for the rest of my day.  Almost finished my book, so that's part of the plan, I want to watch the rest of comic relief, it was so emotional watching that last night and realising how blessed we are compared to others.  I found the young carers particularly moving because you don't realise it happens, we all want for young children in any part of the world to be playing and feel safe and enjoying their lives and it's so upsetting to see evidence of that not being the case!  I will look forward to making my donation after today's meeting, here are the silly selfies I received of you all and they were just brilliant;……/weight-watchers-silly-success-…/

I said I'd donate 1p for every member that stepped on my scales this week, 1p for every pound lost, I then decided to include 1p for every pound gained (as it's always a brave thing to attend when you know you've had a bad week) and 10p for every silly selfie, although some cost me £1 each.  My total as of this morning is £16, I still have this morning so I reckon if I round it up to £20, that'll cover whatever happens today at the scales.  There's already £47 in the collection pot, I know quite a few of my members made their donations last night over the phone so a big thank you, I've just looked and the total so far is over £75 million - WOW!  How fantastic are the British public, it shows what we can do when we get together!

Right I better go get my slow cooker dinner going, I think I'll portion the chicken, add carrots, onions and put thinly sliced potatoes on the top, I'll add a bit of boiling water with some chicken oxo cubes and just leave it to it.  Very nice that should turn out.  

Okay so my brain isn't in writing mode this morning, so I'm going to go and let you get on with your day, remember if you're one of my members YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT, remind yourself of that if you're tempted to go off track, you will be so glad you chose to stay focused when you step on the scales.

We can do this BeYOUtiful, we really can.

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