Sunday 1 March 2015

Who's up for Marching through March?

1st March 2015
Sometimes the things you perceive as holding you back are the things that push you forward! Ricky, The Voice!

What a fantastic week it's been, 609lb lost at the scales, and for the month of February a total of 2,533lb which brings us to 4,469lb for 2015, my members are BeYOUtiful, all of them, those that are losing and those that are struggling, they all deserve an award to for caring about themselves enough to be doing their best to be Healthy and Happy, I respect each and every one of them for that.

Had a great Saturday, a fab meeting on the morning, followed by a drive to Stoke for an area meeting and I got to catch up with my old team which was lovely, lots of faces I hadn't seen for a long time, shame we didn't have more time for chatting, but it was a business meeting so we had to be grownups!  I'm at work again this morning covering a class over Dudley, but then I'm free from lunchtime so a bit of mom time is planned, although she's cracking on with the jigsaw without me I might add!

Can you believe it's the first day of March today!  And I am loving this idea from a leader named Janet, it's a challenge, March your way through March,

How? Start with 1 minutes and increase by a minute each day until you end at 31 minutes. 
Where? Anywhere just get marching (or walking, I don't expect you to show yourself up marching the kids to school ;) )
Why? Because every step counts!  Move more, sit less, earn activity ProPoints and of course remember to wear your fitbit or pedometer so you know how many you're earning. 

I'm thinking it'll get my brain thinking 'activity' and hopefully as the lighter nights arrive, the weather warms up and I stop working 60+ hours a week!  I will be able to find the time to get moving more.  I definitely fancy getting out there and walking more.

My garlic chicken dish turned out perfect being left in the slow cooker and it was just as tender and juicy without the skin, I just added a mug of stock, nom nom, yesterday wasn't a perfect food day, but it's all tracked, I intend to track whether I'm within my ProPoints or not because it's firstly making me more aware of my eating behaviour and giving me reason to question myself and why I behave that way, if you don't know what you're doing and why - you can't really change it!

Yep, self-awareness is a fantastic thing to have, if you can be aware of your traits, feelings and behaviour then you are more likely to understand yourself and what makes you tick, what causes you to overeat or make not so great choices!  It's not always the wrong reasons that cause us to overeat or make those not so great choices, for instance yesterday when I arrived at the hotel where we were having our meeting, I'd looked online and it said they had steak, turned out that was the evening menu and there wasn't anything particular 'healthy' on the menu, there certainly wasn't F&H meals, so I opted for a fish finger sandwich, which I thought at least would be delicious and it was one of the cheaper things on the menu - it wasn't delicious by the way!
Today I will manage an F&H day, I have the garlic chicken, I'm going to do mashed potatoes to go with it, and I'll probably pick at it for tea too, maybe have it on warburton thins with a bit of low fat mayo, that's my day sorted.  I'll go light this morning, if I bother with brekkie at all, might take an apple and banana with me instead.

If you're having a lie in this morning BeYOUtiful, hope you enjoy it, I'm quite jealous, not nice to hear a buzzing alarm at 5am on a Sunday morning!  Here's to the start of a great March though.

If you're joining me in March your way through March, make sure you comment on my post so I know you are!


  1. I'll be marching! What a good idea x

  2. I will be marching its a fab idea . It's kelly btw x

  3. I will be marching it's a fab idea x
