Saturday 7 March 2015

Taking time out for myself.

7th March 2015
Strength doesn't come from what you can do. Strength comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn't.

I had an wonderful day yesterday, did the bit of work I had to do then had a day for me!  It started with a bubble bath, then I interrupted my 'me day' for a meeting with some other leaders which was actually well worth the hour out of my day, and it's always good to catch up.  Then the rest of the day was mine.

I'd fancied a crispy bacon sarnie for a week or so and I just can't cook bacon how I like to eat it, I don't have the patience and it never tastes how I imagine it's going to so I decided I was going to hunt down a sarnie.  Started in Sainsbury's cafe but I was too late for bacon!  Then thought ooo I'll try the new tea rooms at Essington I haven't been there yet, turns out I won't be going there again.  After standing at the counter and being ignored a good few times as 4 of the assistants walked in and out of the kitchen, I walked out of the team room, I won't be ignored, all it takes is "we'll be with you in a bit" and I'd have been happy but nope, nothing, no eye contact, totally ignored! 

Then I remembered the fruit farm at Essington and oh am I glad I did!  I walked in and there was a bit of a queue, but it went down quickly, the board said "bacon rolls", so when the lady asked me what I wanted I asked "can I have a bacon sandwich on bread not a roll and can I have it well done please", she looked at me and said, "cremated", I smiled and nodded, hell yeah, that's just how I wanted it!

I sat down with my cup of tea and my kindle and enjoyed a whole hour of quiet, just for me, on my own, no phone, no talking, no nothing.  Apart from the best damn bacon sarnie I've ever had!  I was so excited about my awesome sarnie, I went to tell the woman it was perfect and she smiled and said, "yeah that's how I like my bacon done".  I took one look at the pudding and thought, "what the hell!", so I had treacle pudding and custard, the truth is from the minute I walked in and saw them on the counter, I knew I wasn't getting out of there without ordering one!  It was truly delicious and I think I've found my new 'place for me', it won't always include bacon and pudding but it will be somewhere that I can go for a bit of me time with my book and feel comfortable.  The rooms big enough not to feel crowded and so that it's not over noisy like some coffee shops where you can hear everything that everyone's saying.  I must say all the food that was on the counter looked amazing, and the pot of tea was perfect so I'd be happy to sit there with just that.

Can you tell I really enjoyed that hour? ;)

Next I went for a massage at the Chi Rooms, that place keeps me body in order so I can do the job I do, and she also calms my mind, I always leave the Chi Rooms feeling chilled and restored. 

Normally that would be me done, but not this Friday, I was going home to get was and change for a night out with AnnMarie, we went to the Slade rooms for a comedy show, Romesh Ranganathan & Suzi Ruffell, they were so funny, we had a cracking night and I was in bed before 11pm!  Check me out with work the next day. 

So my bacon sarnie cost me approx 12pp, the pudding even more, but on a positive I actually didn't eat again yesterday, I just wasn't hungry, so I'll say yesterday was a good food day ;) even if it wasn't what some people would consider as such.   My main reason was that I didn't actually consider eating again, there's not many days when I don't let's just say that, and even with all the smells of cooked chicken, kebabs and everything else as we walked through the town, we resisted we both agreed, our beds were calling way more than eating was! 

Here's to a great weekend, forecast is good today, although I'm working for most of it, as its stock take day after my meeting, I don't mind because I rested yesterday and tomorrow you'll be lucky if I even get dressed!

Enjoy your day BeYOUtiful.

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