Sunday 29 March 2015

Oooo pudding!

29th March 2015
Energy is contagious, positive and negative alike.  Be forever mindful of what and who you allow into your space!

I'd say I've woke up feeling as though I'm getting better, my lurgy is exiting the building, but I'm not sure I've actually been to sleep, Alfie has cried most of the night so there's something not right with him, if he doesn't improve we'll go to see the vets. 

It looks like it's gonna be a wet grizzly day so I'm going to spend it in the kitchen, getting creative, we've had some great ideas in the meetings this week for desserts and I know my mom likes a pudding for sure!

One idea I read online which I liked was Rich Toffee Popcorn.

Use 10g popping corn & 1 rich toffee bar.  Melt the bar in microwave for 40 seconds with a dash of coconut milk to thin it slightly.  Pop the corn in a pan and then mix together.  4pp. 

The ingredients I had in my meeting other than the Weight Watcher chocolate bars were, 

Anchor light squirty cream, 1pp per 15g
Ice cream flakes, 1pp each
Wafers 2 for 1pp
Cornets 1pp each
Mini marshmallows, 1pp per 15g
Chocolate dessert cups, 2pp each
Large flan case - 18pp
Medium flan case - 9pp
Small individual flan cases - 2pp
Pastry base - 29pp
Angel delight Strawberry, sugar free, 10pp made up as directed for the entire packet, or 9pp if using skimmed milk.  Sainsbury's basic version 8pp
Sponge fingers - 2 for 1pp
Meringue nests, 1pp each
Mini meringue nests, 2 for 1pp
Weight Watcher cream, 1pp per perving
Sainsbury's tinned basics custard - 8pp per can
Sainsbury's packet basics custard - 8pp per sachet
Sugar free jelly - 0pp per serving.

If you get imaginative you can make some awesome puddings, and let's be honest whether it's a 4pp pudding or a 24pp one, they don't take much longer to eat!

Loved the idea of a mini flan case for 2pp, sugar free orange jelly 0pp, and 2tsp Sweet Freedom Choco Shot Liquid Chocolate 1pp, that'd be like a giant jaffa cake!

What about a smashed up meringue next with a Weight Watcher pudding yogurt and some fruit, eaten mess style dessert.  Seriously get your thinking cap on you'll be amazed at what you can put together.

And when you think that this tempting looking Ferrero Rocher will set you back 21pp 

and look what's inside, this is all you get for that 21pp, how long's that taking to demolish!

I'm sorry, that would have to be some special kind of magic chocolate to want me to spend 21pp on it when I'm trying to get slimmer for summer.

Here's to a lovely Sunday or mom and me time, hope you've got a fun one planned too.

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