Monday 16 March 2015

Get your happy on!

16th March 2015
Learn to say "no" without explaining yourself.

Well I made it through a full week, on track, used all my weeklies, but only 1 of the 17 activity ProPoints my fitbit earned me this week.  Better still other than blogging about it this week, I've not really thought about it other than at meal times!  Yesterday was probably the toughest day as I was sat round chilling all day and could've easily have overeaten.  Luckily I didn't have loads of rubbish in the house to go at and the good stuff would've had to have been cooked which gives me enough time to realise I'm not really hungry just looking for something to do!

Instead we started a new jigsaw, mom finished the last one on her own, we've gone for a wasgij where the picture on the box isn't the picture we're puzzling - now that's not confusing much!  Starting small with a 500 piece to see how it goes, but mom cheats anyway so.... yeah her attitude to 'sky' on a jigsaw is 'if it's blue, it'll do!' she doesn't care if it's the wrong shade as long as the shapes similar!

After our weigh in this morning, yes I'm off to my meeting for my first week on it weigh in, keep everything crossed for me, and I promise whatever they say, I'll take it, I'll carry on because that's how it works, I didn't gain this extra stone in a week and I won't lose it in a week, one pound at a time I need to focus on.  Anyway, after my weigh in I'm going to buy some fish I think, it's really low in ProPoints and delicious too.  I also want to get a good selection of veggies so that I can fill my plate, that's the one thing I haven't had enough of this week and it makes a difference.   The weathers warming up so salads are more tempting for sure, I'm more than happy with a steak and salad for my dinner, yep that'll do me.  Let's keep it all simple I say, get back to basics, lose some weight and keep the momentum going!

I'm looking forward to my meetings this week's all about the happy!  Which of course is one of my favourite subjects, think about it, what makes you happy?  From a weight loss point of view what are those things you gain when you lose?  I can't wait to discuss this with my members, it's one of my favourite things to read on Facebook when they post about their non-scales victories, I just love to read it, for example yesterday one of my members posted "wanted to wear something decent for mother's day lunch but I don't have a thing that fits all far too big so going to the pub looking like a tramp but proud!"  I love that, it says it all really doesn't it :) slim and scruffy, works for me ;)

The one thing I said I could and would do this past week was walk 30 minutes a day, I'm not going to lie, I didn't do it Friday or Sunday, but I did manage it the other days and the whole purpose of doing it was to take some 'me time' and to be fair I took plenty of that Friday and Sunday in other ways, so I'm happy with that.  I think the one thing I've acknowledged I need to keep doing if finding that balance, putting my own health as high on the importance level as every one of my members.  I must make time to prepare meals, even if they're the quick, ready variety.  No grabbing something that's high in ProPoints for convenience, I need ProPointed healthy food that's going to help me get back to my goal weight.  I need regular time out to recharge my batteries and as much as I love my work, I need time away from it, even if it's only short bursts of time.

Yeah focusing on a healthy version of me, makes me happy, that's the one thing I gain when I'm losing!  How about you BeYOUtiful, what are you gaining from your weight loss journey?  What's your happy?

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