Sunday 8 February 2015

Think nice thoughts, speak kind words...

8th February 2015
Being told you're appreciated is one of the most simplest yet incredibly uplifting things you can ever hear.

Well it's been a very busy week and I've just blown away by the 670lb that has been lost on my scales this week, just incredible.  My Wednesfield members doubled last week's weight loss this week which is inspiring and a great indicator of the success they're planning to have in future weeks.  Almost 48 stone lost in a week, WOW, I won't lie, I was buzzing for most of the day yesterday after such a successful week.

I also had a catch up with an old pal, we went to Costa and I just had to try that lemon muffin cake again, I'm so glad I did because I'm now cured, it wasn't as fabulous the second time, I obviously was in need of cake the first time I had it and that made it seem better than it actually was.  I wouldn't bother again, at least this time I remembered to order a skinny latte!

The way we use language always interests me especially where weight loss is concerned so when I read a comment on Facebook yesterday that said "But I was tough on myself yesterday and didn't even have a doughnut at work - it was someone's birthday".  Now straight away that made me think, the language we choose to use really does matter.  "tough on myself", it doesn't sound nice does it, I someone said they were going to be "tough on me", I wouldn't like it very much, I'd much prefer them to say "I'm going to take care of you" or "I'm going to be kind to you", instantly I feel lifted.  So if the person who made that comment decided to change their language and the way they think, it could make a dramatic difference to their success, so instead they could have commented "I was kind to myself yesterday, and chose not to have a doughnut - it was someone's birthday", she could then be thinking or add "because I knew I didn't really want it and resisting would help me get that weight loss I want which is helping to improve my health." 

Our thoughts and our words really affect how we act and feel, choose them wisely.

Not convinced how powerful your thoughts can be?  Just reading a book like 50 shades of grey seemed to stir up plenty of bodily reactions for many a woman out there!  So you can see how our thoughts and feelings can affect us physically.

Let's be honest self-defeating thoughts are probably the most overlooked reason we go off track, we feel disappointed maybe because we're not getting those quick results and it's so difficult and then we succumb to that takeaway. 

It's really important to keep telling yourself it's a forever thing, have the right attitude, know there aren't quick fixes, believe you aren't just doing it to get 'thin', it's about getting healthy which is for life.   I'm guessing you have more than one reason for wanting to lose weight, some might not be what I'd consider the best reasons, but they're yours.  For me the best reasons are to be healthy and happy and to improve your life.

So as it's Sunday morning and most of us don't have to be anywhere soon (sorry if you're off to work x) why not spend a bit of time making a list of all the reasons why you want to lose weight, make them personal and make those reasons why YOU want to lose weight, not why other people want you to.  Do it for yourself!

See they are all good reasons aren't they and hopefully none of them are negative so when you decline that chance to overeat see it as a positive, you're being kind to yourself, you're taking care of yourself, you don't need to be hard on yourself because those decisions are coming from a place of self love.

Have a great day, take care of you BeYOUtiful because remember you're important too.

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